 Übersetzung für 'unequal distribution' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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unequal distributionUngleichverteilung {f}
unequal {adj}unsymmetrisch
unequal {adj}inäqual [veraltet] [ungleich]
unequal {adj}ungleich
unequal treatment
Ungleichbehandlung {f}
unequal {adj} [unable]nicht in der Lage
unequal conditionsungleiche Bedingungen {pl}
unequal {adj} [unable]unfähig
unequal sign <≠>
Ungleichheitszeichen {n} <≠>
unequal pay
ungleiche Entlohnung {f}
to be unequal [unable]nicht befähigt sein
unequal crossing over
ungleiches Crossing-Over {n}
unequal cell division
inäquale Zellteilung {f}
unequal crossover [also: unequal cross-over]
ungleiches Crossover {n} [auch: ungleiches Cross-Over]
distributionVerrechnung {f}
Vertreibung {f} [selten für Vertrieb]
Distribution {f}
distributionVerteilung {f}
distributionAufteilung {f}
distributionAuslieferung {f}
Verbreitung {f}
21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • There are several possible incomes which could be earned by a "person", who randomly is selected from a population with an unequal distribution of incomes.
  • In his paper presented to the British Association for the Advancement of Science at Glasgow in 1840, Whitworth pointed out the inherent inaccuracy of grinding due to no control and thus unequal distribution of the abrasive material between the plates which would produce uneven removal of material from the plates.
  • A coincidence that gives birth to him in the right place with noble parents and arbitrary custom deciding, for example, on an unequal distribution of wealth in favor of the nobles.
  • Hume also believed in an unequal distribution of property, because perfect equality would destroy the ideas of thrift and industry.
  • There is a challenge to reach everyone who needs dialysis treatment because of the unequal distribution of health care resources and dialysis centers.

  • Material feminism then emerged as a positive substitute to both Marxism and feminism and pointed out the unequal distribution of social resources.
  • Handedness is a human attribute reflecting the unequal distribution of fine motor skill between the left and right hands.
  • When Árbenz was elected in 1951, Guatemala had a high GDP but extremely unequal distribution of land: 2% of the population controlled 72% of the arable land.
  • The Executive Committee decided to organise another Youth Conference this summer, with the theme of "unequal distribution of wealth".
  • Like most Latin American countries, Venezuela has an unequal distribution of wealth.

  • The structure of wulfenite-"I"4 is also very similar to that of wulfenite-"I"41/a but has an unequal distribution of tungsten and molybdenum which may explain the observed hemihedrism.
  • In a case study of Wuhan, China, equal distribution of greenspaces was found, but there was unequal distribution of public parks.
  • The unequal distribution of wealth remained high during this period.
  • Economic theory and economic policy have long seen income and its distribution as a central concern. Unequal distribution of income causes economic inequality which is a concern in almost all countries around the world.
  • The guns permitted the Acholi to retain their independence but altered the balance of power within Acholi territory, which for the first time experienced unequal distribution of wealth based on control of firearms.

  • Preference for unequal distribution has been developed to the human race possibly because it allows for better co-operation and allows a person to work with a more productive person so that both parties benefit from the co-operation.
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