 Übersetzung für 'unequal pay' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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unequal pay
ungleiche Entlohnung {f}
unequal {adj}unsymmetrisch
unequal {adj}ungleich
unequal {adj}inäqual [veraltet] [ungleich]
unequal treatment
Ungleichbehandlung {f}
unequal conditionsungleiche Bedingungen {pl}
unequal distributionUngleichverteilung {f}
unequal {adj} [unable]unfähig
unequal sign <≠>
Ungleichheitszeichen {n} <≠>
unequal {adj} [unable]nicht in der Lage
to be unequal [unable]nicht befähigt sein
unequal cell division
inäquale Zellteilung {f}
unequal crossing over
ungleiches Crossing-Over {n}
unequal crossover [also: unequal cross-over]
ungleiches Crossover {n} [auch: ungleiches Cross-Over]
to payzahlen
to paybrennen [österr.] [ugs.] [zahlen]
Lohn {m} [Arbeitsentgelt]
payBesoldung {f}
to payerlegen [österr.] [zahlen]
payVergütung {f}
Arbeitsentgelt {n}
21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • However, they still faced unequal pay, were shunted off into "auxiliary" unions and still had to deal with prejudice and inequities.
  • This includes occupational segregation resulting in unequal pay for women.
  • In the summer leading up to the 2010 Swedish general election, Schyman burned 100,000 Swedish krona in a protest against unequal pay in Sweden.
  • Here she addresses women's vastly unequal pay in comparison to men, the conservative tradition of a Catholic country, and the general status of women and their level of political influence in Lithuania.
  • There are numerous fighters who have accused the company of various wrongdoing's regarding issues including unequal pay, predatory actions toward rival promotions, lack of a pension or union safety net, and other perceived unethical business practices.

  • The study also found evidence of career limitations and unequal pay even for highly educated Chinese Americans, many of whom earned substantially less than their equally educated white counterparts.
  • Congress created the Militia Act of 1862 as a war necessity to allow the army black soldier recruits, and with it, enforced unequal pay upon black combatants.
  • A 2012 Twitter discussion among women working in games, collated under the hashtag "#1reasonwhy", argued that sexist practices such as the over-sexualization of female characters, disinterest in topics that matter to women, as well as workplace harassment and unequal pay for men and women were common in the games industry.
  • Because of the working-class background of its members the movement heavily concerned itself with issues relating to unequal pay and unsatisfactory working and living conditions.
  • He also campaigned against job discrimination against women and unequal pay.

  • Specifically, Tardy and fellow actors were presented unequal pay and negotiation powers for their fourth-season roles.
  • Aline Elizabeth Black, also known under her married name of Aline Elizabeth Black Hicks, (1906–1974) was an American educator, known for taking part in a civil rights court case that centered on unequal pay.
  • That served as a reflection of the unequal pay between men and women in 2015.
  • A 2012 Twitter discussion among women working in games, collated under the hashtag "#1reasonwhy", indicated that sexist practices such as the oversexualization of female video game characters, workplace harassment and unequal pay for men and women were common in the games industry.
  • 1 WLR 1429 is a UK labour law case concerning sex discrimination, unequal pay, and the limits of justifications for it.

  • Gunther" that the Bennett Amendment explicitly incorporated only limited defenses to unequal pay and did not otherwise bar suits based on a comparison of payment for different jobs.
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