 Übersetzung für 'unequal treatment' von Englisch nach Deutsch
unequal treatment
Ungleichbehandlung {f}
unequal {adj}inäqual [veraltet] [ungleich]
unequal {adj}unsymmetrisch
unequal {adj}ungleich
unequal sign <≠>
Ungleichheitszeichen {n} <≠>
unequal distributionUngleichverteilung {f}
unequal {adj} [unable]unfähig
unequal pay
ungleiche Entlohnung {f}
unequal conditionsungleiche Bedingungen {pl}
unequal {adj} [unable]nicht in der Lage
unequal cell division
inäquale Zellteilung {f}
unequal crossing over
ungleiches Crossing-Over {n}
to be unequal [unable]nicht befähigt sein
unequal crossover [also: unequal cross-over]
ungleiches Crossover {n} [auch: ungleiches Cross-Over]
ovulation synchronization treatment <ovsynch treatment>
Behandlung {f} zur Ovulationssynchronisation <OvSynch-Behandlung, OS-Behandlung>
(ärztliche) Versorgung {f} [einer Wunde etc.]
treatmentVersorgung {f} [Behandlung, Betreuung]
treatmentBehandlung {f}
treatmentBetrachtung {f}
treatmentBearbeitung {f}
treatmentVerfahren {n}
21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • He has stated that the program is an example of the unequal treatment of Mormons, stating that where insane people of other religions are portrayed in television drama, pains are taken to point out as part of the plot that they are "non-practicing", yet no such pains are taken when it comes to Mormons.
  • However, people of Lenca and Maya descent have moved to the United States mostly escaping unequal treatment by the Honduran authorities.
  • accepted the question of whether a law is appropriate and adapted, but also provided some guidance as to discrimination: "the essence of the legal notion of discrimination lies in the unequal treatment of equals, and, conversely, in the equal treatment of unequals".
  • There he experienced unequal treatment in wages and employee lodging compared to those who were of Indo (Eurasian) descent.
  • Some later blamed the formation of Malaysia for strengthening "ketuanan Melayu": "A reinforcement of Malay rights — which during the previous five or six years to the formation of Malaysia had been withering away as the Reid Commission might have suspected they would — took place against a background of general unequal treatment" after Malaysia's formation.

  • With the strategy of one community at a time she was able to publicize the unequal treatment in a majority of issues from housing to police brutality.
  • Laws often prohibit discrimination on the basis of: In addition, unequal treatment is found to be heterogeneous by the labour market tightness in the occupation: compared to natives, candidates with a foreign-sounding name are equally often invited to a job interview if they apply for occupations for which vacancies are difficult to fill, but they have to send twice as many applications for occupations for which labor market tightness is low.
  • A New Jersey commission which reviewed the state's civil union law reported that the law "invites and encourages unequal treatment of same-sex couples and their children".
  • This unequal treatment however did not stop the abolitionists from their fight to win justice for all people.
  • ... March 1948) was advocating on behalf of segregated Hispanic veterans receiving unequal treatment by the military in Corpus Christi.

  • Remote or home-working greatly reduces the volume of information one individual gives another compared to face-to-face encounters, providing fewer opportunities for unequal treatment but it seems real-world notions of power and privilege are being duplicated: people who choose to take up different identities (avatars) in the online world are (still) routinely discriminated against, evident in online gaming where users are able to create their own characters.
  • As in other European countries, the Romani people faced disadvantages, including unequal treatment, discrimination, segregation and harassment.
  • Comer" (2017) that religious observers are protected against unequal treatment by virtue of the Free Exercise Clause and laws which target the religious for "special disabilities" based on their "religious status" must be covered by the application of strict scrutiny.
  • While the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe reported that the elections were generally organized professionally, there was criticism of unequal treatment of candidates by State-controlled media among other issues.
  • Louis Wirth defined a minority group as "a group of people who, because of their physical or cultural characteristics, are singled out from the others in the society in which they live for differential and unequal treatment, and who therefore regard themselves as objects of collective discrimination".

  • Special laws are often criticized because they reflect the corruption of the legislative process, a lack of deliberation on the part of legislatures and because they lead to unjustifiably unequal treatment and allow the legislative branch to encroach on the powers of the executive and judicial branches.
  • This doesn't call for violent force but for peaceful persuasion in the arguments against slavery and the unequal treatment of people of color.
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