 Übersetzung für 'unequipped' von Englisch nach Deutsch
ADJ   unequipped | more unequipped | most unequipped
VERB   to unequip | unequipped | unequipped
unequipping | unequips
unequipped {adj}unausgerüstet
unequipped {adj}
2 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'unequipped' von Englisch nach Deutsch

unequipped {adj}

Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The PRK's administration was technically unequipped and the state bureaucracy that had been destroyed by the Khmer Rouge was rebuilt slowly.
  • One major challenge of using pRNA-derived nanoparticles is large-scale production, as most industries are currently unequipped to handle industrial pRNA synthesis.
  • Although the EAT can adequately diagnose undifferentiated eating disorders in clinical settings, it may not fare well in settings unequipped to address major eating disorders.
  • International Paralympic Committee regulates unequipped paralympic powerlifting competition without wrist wraps or belt.
  • Many settlements grew along the road from Brasília to Belém with the highway and National Integration Program, however, the program failed as the settlers were unequipped to live in the delicate rainforest ecosystem.

  • physician is too overwhelmed or unequipped to handle the caseload but cannot transfer responsibility for the patient(s) to someone else.
  • On 4 May the unmanned and unequipped 91st Bombardment Squadron was transferred back to the United States.
  • During the special repair work from 1962 to 1963, the equipment was modernized, and the unequipped radio wave detector (ESM) NORL-1 was put in the back.
  • HMS "Lark" was unequipped at Rosta because she was unable to return to the UK under tow. In June 1945, the carcass from which most of the equipment was removed was handed over to the Soviet Navy.
  • Additionally, since the almajirai do not receive a secular education (math, science, English, etc.), they are often unequipped for professional jobs.

  • In defence of Leach, Watson said: "Everyone involved in the case entered a moral universe for which they were completely unequipped".
  • The company’s leadership was unequipped to address the article and its inaccuracies effectively under those previous conditions.
  • It has good quality underground water with seven equipped bores and a further four unequipped bores on undeveloped areas.
  • Gil Delannoi and Oliver Dowlen argue that the "average citizen" is unequipped to lead, given their average intelligence and competence.
  • Since then, it has thrived on prey unequipped to deal with its speed, nearly leading to the local extinction of a variety of species.

  • By the time this news was received, the 3rd India Armada under João da Nova had already departed, a commercial expedition unequipped to deal with the hostile turn of events in the Indian Ocean.
  • AUGs cannot be unequipped without them being destroyed, forcing players to choose which AUGs they would like to equip wisely.
  • He also became a keen powerlifter, winning West Midlands bench press titles in the 69 kg class and becoming the British Masters 1 unequipped bench press champion.
  • The squadron was kept on the books until November 1946 unmanned and unequipped until formally inactivated on 1 November.
  • Aircraft and were returned to the United States in late 1945; unit remained assigned to Twentieth Air Force primarily as an administrative unit where it was unequipped; finally inactivated in 1948.

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