22 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- presenter Esther Rantzen described him as “the brother I never had”, adding: "He had an unerring instinct about people.
- The editors had an unerring instinct for what its readers liked.
- However even Payah cannot out-fox Uku Nyalo, whose unerring instinct leads her to Turnip Head as the main culprit.
- Scrope recognized the underlying self-interest in humans and realized that in the exercise of freedom of individual action, "'the unerring instinct of self-interest' has played its part in constructing a society more complexly coöperative than could be achieved by mortal design … [...] Institutions must work with and not against the operation of self-interest" for society to thrive.
© dict.cc English-German dictionary 2024
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