 Übersetzung für 'unerringly' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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unerringly {adv}unfehlbar
unerringly {adv}zielsicher
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Übersetzung für 'unerringly' von Englisch nach Deutsch

unerringly {adv}

Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The summit is crossed by a line of old rusting boundary fence posts and these lead unerringly to the adjoining Munro of Càrn na Caim which lies five km to the north across a boggy col with a height of 825 metres.
  • Bush found "the songwriting was as strong and focused as the musicianship" and praised the LP's social context, noting "unerringly positive compositions, reflecting the influence of the civil rights movement with nearly every song urging love, community, and knowledge as alternatives to the increasing hopelessness plaguing American society".
  • CSNY's music unerringly reflected the tastes and viewpoints of the counterculture in the late 1960s and early 1970s.
  • He had very good ball skills, had good vision and was able to make unerringly accurate long passes to a teammate.
  • For example, one of the poems states that just like a calf placed in front of a vast herd of cows seeks out its mother unerringly and attaches itself, the deeds of the past home in on the doer and exact their price unfailingly.

  • In its heyday, the rivalry was notable among team sports in that it almost unerringly focused on the sidelines rather than the floor.
  • ... 5 miles) and starts in Patterdale village and utilises the main path over Boardale hause and past Angle Tarn before following an old stone wall which leads unerringly to Rest Dodd's summit.
  • Wilson's review was published in 1906 and began with an expression of distaste for the "imminent encroachment by pure mathematics of territory that traditionally belonged to applied mathematics", but then quickly states that at that time "there seems no immediate danger" as three recent books published by the Cambridge University Press were "highly important volumes" that "exhibit great mathematical power and attainments directed firmly and unerringly along the direction of physical research".
  • Finally, Practical Pig chases the wolf away in a flurry of bricks that unerringly hit the Nazi marauder in his rear.
  • Ashok calls home unerringly every week bringing joy and some comfort to his anxious mother.

  • Krishnasamy wrote for "The Indian Express", "Visu creates contrived situations, but as he unerringly brings to the fore qualities he wants his characters to show he gets away with them."
  • According to the Court, the appellate court improperly substituted its own finding that the challenged witness's original testimony was unerringly false and that the trial court's contrary conclusion amounted to an abuse of discretion.
  • Bruce Rosenstein described Butler-Bowdon as “a curator extraordinaire, and unerringly determines the appropriate books to cover, which is far from an easy task.”.
  • But exactly the opposite occurred in testing; the radar unerringly locked onto the window and the target disappeared from the display.
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