 Übersetzung für 'unerupted' von Englisch nach Deutsch
unerupted tooth
nicht durchgebrochener Zahn {m}
1 Übersetzung
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Übersetzung für 'unerupted' von Englisch nach Deutsch

unerupted tooth
nicht durchgebrochener Zahn {m}dent.
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • It is mostly used to ascertain the position of an unerupted tooth in relation to the erupted ones (i.e. ...
  • On radiographs, the adenomatoid odontogenic tumor presents as a radiolucency (dark area) around an unerupted tooth extending past the cementoenamel junction.
  • For unerupted teeth, function can be restored with a removable partial denture until all major growth has been completed and a final restoration can be placed.
  • The third possibility is that periapical inflammation could be of any source but usually from a non vital deciduous tooth spreading to involve the follicles of unerupted permanent successors.
  • Associated crown of the unerupted tooth may be evident.

  • Wezmeh Child or Wezmeh 1 represented by an isolated unerupted human maxillary right premolar tooth (P3 or possibly P4) of an individual between 6–10 years old.
  • Extraction of first permanent molars before 8 years old increases the chances of the unerupted second permanent premolar drifting distally.
  • The Scottish fossil Wareolestes, a dentary (lower jaw) had three permanent adult molar teeth, and several unerupted adult premolar teeth still inside the jaw below the gumline.
  • (PDF) An interesting case of unilateral multiple impacted unerupted teeth in a young adolescent child: A case report and discussion.
  • It is mainly effective in wide neck unerupted saccular aneurysms, that are difficult to coil because of the tendency of the coils to fill the parent artery (referred to as prolapse).

  • The type specimen BMNH M11414 an incomplete left mandible with symphysis, a deciduous premolar, and unerupted molars.
  • It involves the prediction of tooth size of the unerupted permanent canines and premolars.
  • About a third of symptomatic unerupted wisdom teeth have been shown to partially erupt and be non-functional or non-hygienic.
  • Fossil material associated with genus had been collected by workers at Riversleigh in the years leading to the crucial discovery of a juvenile jaw containing unerupted adult teeth.
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