Übersetzung für '
up wind' von Englisch nach Deutsch
79 Übersetzungen
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- To meet a global wind turbine supply shortage, start-up wind turbine manufacturers are still appearing and ramping up the production of their new wind turbine models as quickly as possible.
- The Company is also aiming at long term fuel supply to lignite based power projects and setting up wind energy farms at Jaisalmer.
- Carpenter immediately secured the area and pitched a number of tents up wind nearby.
- In other developing countries disposable batteries must compete with cheap wind-up, wind-powered and rechargeable devices that have proliferated.
- She was made the 5/2 favourite ahead of the Epsom Oaks runner-up Wind In Her Hair who was trained by Barry Hills' son John and ridden by another of his sons Richard.
- Second, the hagiography of Liu Zheng 劉政, who lived to an age of more than 180 years, uses "chuīqì" 吹氣 "blow one's breath" to mean "whistle up (wind)".
- The Wind Energy Policy was instituted to set up wind farms on private lands in Kerala.
- The purpose of the daggerboard (or any keel) is to balance the force of the wind on the sails. Without a daggerboard or keel, a sailboat could not sail up-wind and would simply be blown sideways.
- The Gear would be carried in the weapons bay of the aircraft and dropped in a long line up-wind of the survivors.
- The advantage was supposed to be that the ship could sail up-wind when it was convenient, and additionally, it could use the steam power to move relative to the wind to obtain a more advantageous angle to the wind.
- He had responded by building the Badger X which had standard Badger wings combined with a very simple fuselage, intended to look like a scaled-up wind tunnel model for comparison.
- In April 2020, Breslin followed up his previous podcast with another series focusing on mental wellbeing and meditation, this time exclusively for Spotify, called Wake Up / Wind Down (UK & IE).
- Energikontor specializes in setting up wind and solar projects and is also doing operation and maintenance (O&M) of these projects.
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