 Übersetzung für 'upturned' von Englisch nach Deutsch
ADJ   upturned | more upturned | most upturned
SYNO overturned | retrousse | tip-tilted | ...
upturned {adj} {past-p} [e.g. collar]
hochgeklappt [hochgestellt, hochgeschlagen, z. B. Kragen]
upturned {adj}nach oben gewandt
upturned {adj} {past-p}nach oben gerichtet
2 Wörter
upturned collar
Vatermörder {m} [ugs.]
upturned collar
hochgeschlagener Kragen {m}
upturned facesnach oben gerichtete Gesichter {pl}
upturned mouth
oberständiges Maul {n}
upturned noseStupsnase {f}
5+ Wörter
to cling to the upturned boatsich an das gekenterte Boot klammern
9 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Vincent Riou, the then the skipper of PRB, rescued Jean Le Cam from his upturned IMOCA 60.
  • Vodník tells a story in four parts of a mischievous water goblin who traps drowning souls in upturned teacups.
  • The pupa is compressed with a long, upturned end. It is green when new, turning a brown-mottled grey.
  • The most distinguishing feature is the upturned snout, used for digging in sandy soils.
  • Hognose snakes' most distinguishing characteristic is their upturned snout, which is believed to aid in digging in sandy soils.

  • The cards used for bidding are discarded, and play continues with a new upturned prize card.
  • However, an appeal court upturned the judgement of the Tribunal and reinstated Haruna.
  • The "shang" (...) is a Tibetan ritual upturned flat handbell employed by Bonpos and shamans.
  • The Spanish architect Enric Miralles used Lutyens' upturned herring busses as an inspiration for his design of the Scottish Parliament Building in Edinburgh.
  • In 1980, Lisa Birnbach published "The Official Preppy Handbook", in which she extolled the "virtues of the upturned collar".

  • The nose may be small, wide, and upturned.
  • Its brownish-gray, oblong carapace has only a very shallow cervical indentation, the anterior marginals little to much upturned, and the slightly serrated posterior marginals flared and upturned.
  • Like all Ugnaughts, Kuiil has pink skin, white hair, upturned noses, and thick layers of jowls.
  • All of the works so far attributed feature female figures with elongated bodies, long fingers, and feet with upturned toes.
  • Pacific sandfish are mostly shrimp eaters, feeding by waiting for small fish, shrimp or krill to come into range and then sucking the prey up with its unusually large upturned mouth.

  • Upturned beds are mounds of elongated sediment that are deposited on the lee (downflow) side of an obstruction, containing form-concordant stratification.
  • He appealed this decision, and in February 2008, the Court of Appeal in Abuja upturned the judgement.
  • It is a hat with a high conical crown and a wide brim whose upturned edge forms a rectangular profile.
  • Female with palpi with short first joint and curved or obliquely upturned second joint, which is moderate length.
  • Female has far apart palpi and are naked, Third joint upturned and long. Abdomen lack anal tuft.

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