| NOUN | an upward tendency | upward tendencies |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
24 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- A well-performed inside loop will look like clean circle with the same entry and exit point, and this requires management of power to overcome the tendency of gravity to shorten the upward portion and lengthen the downward portion.
- The new generation designated VE, based on the VE Commodore tackles an upward consumer tendency towards using utes as lifestyle vehicles.
- Critics point out that the greater weights used with supportive equipment and the equipment's tendency to change the pattern of the movement may compromise safety, as in the case of the bar moving towards the head during the upward portion of the shirted bench press.
- He also plays as an inverted winger, having the tendency to move to the inside of the pitch as the full-backs move upward so he can thrive.
- Most wooden thatched houses have not survived, but stone houses of the period can be seen in Edinburgh at Lady Stair's House, Acheson House and the six-storey Gladstone's Land, an early example of the tendency to build upward in the increasingly crowded towns, producing horizontally divided tenements.
- Uplift takes its name from its tendency to lift a dam upward.
- Festinger also discussed implications of social comparison theory for society, hypothesizing that the tendency for people to move into groups that hold opinions which agree with their own and abilities that are near their own results in the segmentation of society into groups which are relatively alike.
- Magnetic dip results from the tendency of a magnet to align itself with lines of magnetic field.
- Adverse yaw is the natural and undesirable tendency for an aircraft to yaw in the opposite direction of a roll.
- The primary issues with cryo-DRIE is that the standard masks on substrates crack under the extreme cold, plus etch by-products have a tendency of depositing on the nearest cold surface, i.e.
- Downward social comparison is a defensive tendency that is used as a means of self-evaluation.
- A market trend is a perceived tendency of financial markets to move in a particular direction over time.
- Humans have a greater tendency to engage in counterfactual thinking after something bad happened because of some kind of action the agent performed.
- The dense oceanic plate has a high tendency to sink.
- The device's unintuitive behavior is due to the fact that the natural motion of bodies depends on that of their center of gravity, which has a natural tendency to descend.
- Skilled athletes have a tendency toward a closer ball-to-support leg side position.
- The sideways directed fluid motion has the tendency to leave fines along the low-permeability barriers which eventually become the clay-enriched laminae of the dishes.
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