 Übersetzung für 'upward trend' von Englisch nach Deutsch
NOUN   an upward trend | upward trends
upward trendAufwärtstrend {m}
upward trendsteigende Tendenz {f}
upward trendAufwärtsbewegung {f}
upward trendzunehmende Tendenz {f}
upward trendAufwärtsentwicklung {f}
upward trend
Konjunkturanstieg {m}
5+ Wörter
Prices are showing a continuing upward trend.Der Preistrend zeigt nach wie vor aufwärts.
upward {adv}nach oben
upward {adj}aufsteigend
upward {adj}ansteigend
upward {adv}hinan [dichter.]
upward {adj} {adv}in die Höhe
upward {adv}aufwärts
upward directionAufwärtsrichtung {f}
upward movementBewegung {f} nach oben
upward adjustmentBerichtigung {f} nach oben
upward compatibilityAufwärtskompatibilität {f}
upward tendencyAufwärtstrend {m}
upward mobilityAufwärtsmobilität {f}
upward mobility
soziale Aufstiegsfähigkeit {f}
upward outliers
Ausreißer {pl} nach oben
to look upwardnach oben blicken
upward redistribution
Umverteilung {f} nach oben
upward pathWeg {m} nach oben
upward integrationvertikale Verflechtung {f}
upward potentialAufwärtspotenzial {n}
upward glanceBlick {m} nach oben
27 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Within this long-term upward trend, there is short-term variability because of natural internal variability (e.g. ...
  • These models project an upward trend in the surface temperature record, as well as a more rapid increase in temperature at higher altitudes.
  • A total of more than 200 million euros in grants are distributed annually, with an upward trend.
  • These models predict an upward trend in the global mean surface temperature, with the most rapid increase in temperature being projected for the higher latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere.
  • A number of Azerbaijani human rights groups have been tracking non-combat deaths and have noted an upward trend in early 2010s.

  • This upward trend is particularly significant in Europe and OECD countries, where the average standard value-added rate has reached 21.6% (EU member states) and 19.2% (OECD member states), while only 19.5% and 17.5% before 2008 economic crisis.
  • Overall, there seems to be a common upward trend in employment over time.
  • Public transportation in the city has not been able to keep up with the demand and is infamous for its unreliability leading to a constant upward trend in the number of vehicles.
  • An increase in open interest along with an increase in price is said by proponents of technical analysis to confirm an upward trend.
  • Despite not reaching the same heights in the remaining two majors of the year, his performances continued a general upward trend, with none of the rounds of 80+ that had become so familiar in the previous years.

  • In Japan, divorces were on an upward trend from the 1960s until 2002 when they hit a peak of 290,000 divorces.
  • Beyond the occasional overproduction crises and inventory differences, the volumes produced, traded, and consumed are following an upward trend.
  • However, as the economy recovered, home sizes returned to their upward trend.
  • There was a strong upward trend in the number of titles published by small press and shortlisted for the Miles Franklin and the PM's Fiction Awards in the two years preceding 2017.
  • Critics of the asset-based economy contend that it is highly flawed because it depends on the continuation of low interest rates to stimulate the borrowing that will finance the purchase of assets at a rate sufficient to sustain the upward trend in asset prices.

  • Two other studies, reported in 1990 and 2009 respectively, confirmed the upward trend and determined the premium that cul-de-sac streets command.
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