 Übersetzung für 'upwash' von Englisch nach Deutsch
NOUN   an upwash | upwashes
Zuwind {m} [Druck auf den vorderen Flügelbereich eines Flugzeuges]
1 Übersetzung
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Übersetzung für 'upwash' von Englisch nach Deutsch

Zuwind {m} [Druck auf den vorderen Flügelbereich eines Flugzeuges]aviat.
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • This sideways influence (upwash on the outboard, downwash on the inboard) is the key to the lifting-line theory.
  • The upwash and downwash associated with the generation of lift is the source of aerodynamic interaction between the wing and stabilizer, which translates into a change in the effective angle of attack for each surface.
  • The upwash assists each bird in supporting its own weight in flight, in the same way a glider can climb or maintain height indefinitely in rising air.
  • Multirotors that do not have altitude hold are also more likely to succumb to operator error, where the pilot drops the craft too fast resulting in the upwash at the rotor hubs that can lead to vortex ring state.
  • One theory on migrating bird flight states that many larger bird species fly in a V formation so that all but the leader bird can take advantage of the upwash part of the wingtip vortex of the bird ahead.

  • A normal wing tip creates a significant trailing vortex, due to an upwash of air spilling up round it from underneath and then moving inwards towards the low pressure region above the wing surface.
  • Wind tunnel testing of the next Douglas commercial aircraft, the Douglas DC-9 which had no under-wing engines, showed a cutback engine pylon would be beneficial to wing lift and upwash at the tail at the low speed stall.
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