 Übersetzung für 'upwelling' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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ADJ   upwelling | - | -
NOUN   an upwelling | upwellings
upwelling {adj}
aufquellend [Wasser]
Aufquellen {n} [Wasser]
Auftrieb {m}
Auftrieb {m} des Tiefenwassers [Ozeanologie]
Aufsteigen {n} von Tiefenwasser
2 Wörter
upwelling area
Auftriebsgebiet {n}
upwelling current
Auftriebsströmung {f}
upwelling region
Auftriebsgebiet {n}
upwelling zone
Auftriebszone {f}
upwelling zone
Auftriebsgebiet {n}
10 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Wind-driven upwelling brings nutrients from deep waters to the surface which leads to biological productivity.
  • Coastal upwelling occurs as a result of Ekman transport along the interface between land and a wind-driven current.
  • Chlorophyll a (Chl "a") concentrations vary seasonally with ocean water import, particularly during summer upwelling.
  • Changes in bathymetry can affect the strength of an upwelling.
  • Upwelling occurs both along coastlines and in midocean when a collision of deep ocean currents brings cold water that is rich in nutrients to the surface.

  • Unlike most other major ocean currents, there is no large-scale coastal upwelling associated with the Leeuwin Current.
  • Coastal upwelling is also common on the western bank, but the more stable atmospheric condition results in larger cold water plumes that sometimes merge to form a continuous upwelling regime along the South African south-west coast.
  • There is evidence, that changes in the intensity of the Iberian coastal upwelling (resulting from the strengthening or weakening northern winds) had occurred in the last decades.
  • The Portuguese west coast is part of the four major Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems of the ocean.
  • Upwelling behavior: One of the unique characteristics of the Somali Current is the presence of strong coastal upwelling - the only major instance of this happening at a western ocean boundary.

  • In the Arctic, coastal upwelling may have been largely temperature and wind-driven.
  • There are two main upwelling zones in the system that vary in intensity throughout the year; The Western Upwelling Zone (WUZ); And the Eastern Upwelling Zone; (EUZ).
  • Whether the strengthening of the monsoon enhanced or reduced upwelling off Northwestern Africa is debatable, with some research suggesting that the strengthening in upwelling decreased sea surface temperatures [...] and increased the biological productivity of the sea, while other research suggests that the opposite occurred; less upwelling with more moisture.
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