 Übersetzung für 'upwind' von Englisch nach Deutsch
ADJ   upwind | more upwind | most upwind
NOUN   an upwind | upwinds
SYNO against the wind | into the wind | leeward | ...
upwind {adv}windwärts
upwind {adv}
gegen den Wind
upwind {adj}
windwärts gelegen
Aufwind {m}
Gegenwind {m}
evening upwind
Abendthermik {f}
upwind zone
Aufwindzone {f}
7 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The wind would bring in air generated somewhere upwind and brought upwards to a large degree due to turbulent exchange.
  • A Taylor series analysis of the upwind scheme discussed above will show that it is first-order accurate in space and time.
  • Formula boards have excellent upwind and downwind ability, but are not as comfortable on a beam reach unless fin sizes are reduced.
  • Kite High Rule - A kiter who is upwind (closest to the wind) must keep their kite high to avoid their lines crossing those of downwind kiters.
  • By picking the mark that was most upwind the start could always be made upwind.

  • On dry runways, upon touchdown the airplane tracks towards the upwind edge of the runway while de-crabbing to align with the runway.
  • A fractional rig allows the mast to bend more easily, which in turn allows more adjustment to the shape of the mainsail, especially when sailing upwind.
  • Any large body of water upwind impacts lake-effect precipitation to the lee of a downwind lake by adding moisture or pre-existing lake-effect bands, which can reintensify over the downwind lake.
  • The courses are a straight line upwind and downwind, which necessitates tacking upwind and jibing downwind.
  • These yachts will plane upwind and downwind in a breeze of 12 knots or more.

  • It exploits the favourable properties of the central difference and upwind scheme.
  • at x=L/2 is approximately equal to the value at upwind boundary which is assumption made by the upwind differencing scheme.
  • Seafarers have had a dilemma for as long as sailboats could use lift to sail upwind.
  • The upwind sides of the sand masses appear smoother than the downwind side.
  • Other contributions from these years are the review of upwind methods with Harten and Lax, the AMS workshop paper detailing the differences and resemblances between upwind fluxes and Jameson's flux formula, and the conference paper with Mulder on upwind relaxation methods; the latter includes the concept of Switched Evolution-Relaxation (SER) for automatically choosing the time step in an implicit marching scheme.

  • Although they were difficult to sail downwind and a technical board to sail upwind, they are still the fastest [...] board upwind in up to [...] of breeze.
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