 Übersetzung für 'urus' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   urus | uri / uruses
SYNO aurochs | Bos primigenius | urus
Urstier {m} [Bos primigenius]
urus [Bos primigenius] [extinct]
Ur {m} [ausgestorben]
urus [Bos primigenius] [extinct]
Auerochse {m} [ausgestorben]
3 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'urus' von Englisch nach Deutsch

Urstier {m} [Bos primigenius]myth.zool.T
urus [Bos primigenius] [extinct]
Ur {m} [ausgestorben]zool.T

Auerochse {m} [ausgestorben]zool.T
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • In the past, Kuran was read at these tombs on Thursday nights, on yearly death-days or when urus were celebrated.
  • The urus festival of this dargah is held on 15th night of the Islamic month of Rabi al-awwal on every hijri year.
  • On the anniversary day of the death of Zar Zari Zar Baksh an urus lasting for eight days is held.
  • The annual urus festival marking the martyrdom day of the Panch shuhadas is commemorated on the 17th of the Islamic month of Jamadil Awwal every Hijri year.
  • Beypore is known for its boat building yard where mammoth crafts known as "urus" are built.

  • The wild bull which the Romans named the "urus" was present also, and the European bison and the now-extinct aurochs, "Bos primigenius".
  • This is an exception, shared with urus, due to the fact that neither the Latin nor the Greek alphabets at the time of the introduction of the Gothic one had graphemes corresponding to the distinction of "j" and "w" from "i" and "u".
  • The name "Sphagnurus" is supposed to be derived from the name of its host "Sphagnum" and Latin "-urus", meaning “tail". The ancient Greek word οὐρά however means “tail".
  • The anniversary urus of Periya Hazrat is commemorated on 13th of Ramadan and Chinna Hazrat on 28th of Shawwal.
  • The arab trade with urus were popular in the medieval period.

  • Kattupalli is very spacious and it accommodates millions of people who gather during the Sandanakoodu urus festival.
  • The Latin word "urus" was used for wild ox since the Gallic Wars.
  • The future indicative is turned into the periphrastic conjugation in "-urus sim" (the present periphrastic subjunctive is used as the future subjunctive) or "-urus essem" (the imperfect periphrastic subjunctive).
  • The anniversary urus festival of this dargah happens on 26th of the Islamic month of muharram.
  • This saint ankush khan also donated zagir at Shiratti to one desai for religious activities and started the fakirswamy tradition, Later syed Ankushkhan settled in a village near laxmeshwar where there's his mausoleum dargah (Bade nana dargah), where thousands of devotees gather every month; Every year urus is celebrated by the saints Lenial descendants Dr D.

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