Übersetzung für '
v sync signal' von Englisch nach Deutsch
| telecom. v-sync signal | VSync-Signal {n} [vertikale Synchronisierung] | |
Teiltreffer |
| electr.RadioTV vertical sync pulse <VSYNC / V SYNC / V-sync / V-Sync pulse> | Vertikal-Synchronimpuls {m} <VSYNC / V-Sync Puls> | |
| electr.RadioTV vertical sync pulse <VSYNC / V SYNC / V-sync / V-Sync pulse> | vertikaler Synchronisationsimpuls {m} <VSYNC / V-Sync Puls> | |
| electr.RadioTV blanking and sync signal <BAS signal> | Austast- und Synchronisiersignal {n} | |
| telecom. sync signal | S-Signal {n} [Synchronisationssignal bzw. Synchronsignal] | |
| telecom. sync signal | Sync-Signal {n} [Synchronisationssignal] | |
| telecom. sync signal | Synchronisationssignal {n} | |
| electr.RadioTV video, blanking, and sync signal <VBS, VBS signal> | Bild-Austast-Synchron-Signal {n} <BAS, BAS-Signal> | |
| telecom. h-sync signal | HSync-Signal {n} [horizontale Synchronisation] | |
| anat.VetMed. trigeminal nerve <CN V, CNV, V> [Nervus trigeminus] [fifth cranial nerve] | Trigeminus {m} <V> [kurz für: Nervus trigeminus] | |
| vice versa {adv} <vv, v.v.> | umgekehrt <v. v.> | |
| vice versa {adv} <vv, v.v.> | vice versa <v. v.> | |
| comm.fin. ad valorem <a.v., AV, a/v> | ad valorem <a. v.> | |
| electr.RadioTV horizontal sync pulse <HSYNC / H SYNC / H-sync / H-Sync pulse> | horizontaler Synchronisationspuls {m} <HSYNC / H-Sync Puls> | |
| electr.RadioTV horizontal sync pulse <HSYNC / H SYNC / H-sync / H-Sync pulse> | Horizontal-Synchronimpuls {m} <HSYNC / H-Sync Puls> | |
| ad valorem {adj} <a.v.> <a/v> | nach Wert | |
| sync | Übereinstimmung {f} 375 | |
| film sync | Synchronisation {f} 527 | |
| photo. flash sync | Blitzsynchronisation {f} | |
| tech.telecom. sync pulse | Sync-Puls {m} | |
| film lip-sync | Lippensynchronität {f} | |
21 Übersetzungen
Neue Wörterbuch-Abfrage: Einfach jetzt tippen!
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- The standard defines how to signal the H-sync and V-sync pins in a standard SVGA monitor to trigger the monitor's power saving capabilities.
- The signal from the tape was read back, passed through a band pass filter and an interrupt would be generated each time the audio signal crossed the 0 V base line.
- The horizontal sync signal is a single short pulse that indicates the start of every line.
- Modern television systems use large amounts of video signal processing such as MPEG preprocessing, encoding and decoding, video synchronization and resolution conversion in pixelated displays.
- DIN sync consists of two signals, clock (tempo) and run/stop.
- The video signal input is 75 Ω terminated or connected to the video output for a monitor.
- In this figure, the level of the modulating VF signal is 1 volt (white level).
- Video signals use the "IRE" unit instead of DC voltages to describe levels and amplitudes.
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