 Übersetzung für 'vacant land' von Englisch nach Deutsch
NOUN   a vacant land | vacant lands
vacant land
unbebautes Grundstück {n}
Renewed (Land / Land's) Constitution [Bohemia, 1627] [Obnovené zřízení zemské]
Verneuerte Landesordnung {f}
vacant {adj}
erledigt [veraltet] [unbesetzt]
vacant {adj}vakant
ungeprüft vacant {adj}nichtssagend
vacant {adj}stier [Blick]
vacant {adj}leer
vacant {adj}
vacant {adj}
leer stehend
vacant {adj}
vacant {adj}frei [nicht besetzt]
vacant job
freie Stelle {f}
vacant line
freie Leitung {f}
vacant situation
freie Stelle {f}
vacant appointments
freie Stellen {pl}
vacant positionunbesetzte Stelle {f}
to be vacant
vacant post
freie Stelle {f}
vacant stareausdruckslos starrer Blick {m}
vacant looknichtssagender Blick {m}
vacant site
unbebautes Grundstück {n}
21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The Revenue Department of GVMC generates its revenue by levying of Property Tax, Vacant Land Tax and it is collection and dealing with Remunerative Enterprises, Water Charges etc.
  • New subdivisions spread over vacant land in central Ajax.
  • To prevent the convention center from sparking a development boom that would beget the rest of the master plan with its consequent displacement, the Clinton Planning Council and Daniel Gutman, their environmental planner, proposed that the convention center and all major development be located south of 42nd Street where public policy had already left tracts of vacant land.
  • Large amounts of land were found to be available for purchase in the area, because the state of Texas kept all unappropriated and vacant land after joining the Union 30 years prior.
  • 2 billion in private investment on vacant land adjacent to Westchester Medical Center in Valhalla.

  • On April 13, 2019, the remaining structures on the North End were destroyed by fire leaving the whole area vacant land.
  • The area has seen several new housing developments on vacant land.
  • The project had such a strong initial success that the village opened additional community farms on vacant land in the village.
  • All available land within Oak Park has now been developed, with the remaining vacant land owned by the Rancho Simi Recreation and Park District.
  • Fulham saw industrialisation and urbanisation from the start of the 19th-century, with the establishment of the world's first energy utility company, at Sands End in 1824, followed by road and rail transport development to the east of the borough. Vacant land by the new railway sidings on the boundary with Kensington and Chelsea London Borough Council led to the development of the Earls Court Exhibition Centre, visited by Queen Victoria in 1879 when she attended Bill Cody's Wild West Show at West Brompton.

  • Several wine bottling facilities and wine storage warehouses now stand on what was once vacant land.
  • Between Silifke and Mersin, high-rise and low-rise cottages line the coast, leaving almost no vacant land.
  • of vacant land. Additionally, Oregon restricts the development of farmland.
  • Observers have noted that, while most of the Quarterpath land will be developed, the previously vacant land will include park and recreational facilities, and Redoubt Park, dedicated to preserving some of the battlegrounds from the Battle of Williamsburg that occurred on May 5, 1862 during the Peninsula Campaign of the American Civil War.
  • Europeans were brought to the archipelago to establish a colony on vacant land, triggering wars in Java and Sumatra.

  • In 1965, he purchased the Thunderbird Field airport and later acquired vacant land nearby.
  • One approach is to target “shrinking” cities (such as Detroit, Michigan, USA) that have an abundance of vacant lots and land that could be repurposed into greenways to provide ecosystem services (although even cities with growing populations typically have vacant land as well).
  • On September 28, 1784 Governor John Houstoun of Georgia granted four 5000-acre tracts of vacant land in Franklin County, Georgia to d'Estaing and his heirs.
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