 Übersetzung für 'vacuum technology' von Englisch nach Deutsch
NOUN   a vacuum technology | vacuum technologies
vacuum technology
Vakuumtechnik {f}
3 Wörter
high vacuum technology
Hochvakuumtechnik {f}
vacuum clamping technology
Vakuumspanntechnik {f}
formed in-place foam gasket technology <FIPFG technology>
FIPFG-Technologie {f} [FIPFG = formed-in-place foam gasket]
emitter-coupled logic technology <ECL-technology>
ECL-Technik {f}
pin-in-hole technology <PIH technology>
Durchsteckmontage {f} [THT-Technik; Leiterplattenbestückung]
pin-in-hole technology <PIH technology>
Durchsteckmontagetechnik {f} [THT-Technik; Leiterplatten]
total imaging matrix technology <TIM® technology>
TIM®-Technologie {f} [Total-Imaging-Matrix-Technologie]
intense pulsed light technology <IPL, IPL technology>
IPL-Technik {f} [Pulslichttechnik, Photoepilation]
to vacuumsaugen [staubsaugen]
vacuumLeere {f} [Luftleere]
to vacuumStaub saugen
vacuumUnterdruck {m}
vacuumluftleerer Raum {m}
vacuumLeerraum {m}
to vacuumstaubsaugen
vacuumVakuum {n}
vacuumLuftleere {f}
to vacuum(mit dem Staubsauger) reinigen
vacuum testing
Vakuumprüfung {f}
legal vacuumrechtsleerer Raum {m}
vacuum box
Vakuumkasten {m}
vacuum tubeVakuumschlauch {m}
23 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Fernand Holweck (21 July 1890 – 24 December 1941) was a French physicist who made important contributions in the fields of vacuum technology, electromagnetic radiation and gravitation.
  • The National Research Corporation (NRC) was formed in Massachusetts as a process-development company employing high-vacuum technology.
  • Kluvánek graduated in 1953 from the Slovak Polytechnic University with a degree in electrical engineering specialising in vacuum technology.
  • Alcatel Vacuum Technology, AMMS' original parent company, had a long-running business in plasma processing.
  • and Vacuum technology. Varian was spun off from Varian Associates in 1999 and was purchased by Agilent Technologies in May 2010 for $1.5 billion, or $52 per share.

  • Vacuum technology is based on differential air pressure.
  • The technique was developed by James Hillier and RF Baker in the mid-1940s but was not widely used over the next 50 years, only becoming more widespread in research in the 1990s due to advances in microscope instrumentation and vacuum technology.
  • The institute conducts fundamental research in mathematics, data analysis, astrophysics and theoretical physics as well as research in laser physics, vacuum technology, vibration isolation and classical and quantum optics.
  • The headquarters of the major thin film coating, solar and vacuum technology company Oerlikon Balzers is located in Balzers.
  • Tonks advocated a logarithmic pressure scale for vacuum technology to replace the torr.

  • From 2017, Atlas Copco has four main business areas: Compressor Technology, Vacuum Technology, Industrial Technology and Power Technology.
  • With the development of vacuum technology, MBE process was demonstrated by Davey and Pankey who succeeded in growing GaAs epitaxial films on single crystal GaAs substrates using Günther's method.
  • In vacuum technology, "in situ" baking refers to heating parts of the vacuum system while they are under vacuum in order to drive off volatile substances that may be absorbed or adsorbed on the walls so they cannot cause outgassing.
  • The association is cooperating with and contributing to several ISO committees including TC 112 (Vacuum Technology) and TC 118 (Compressor).
  • Over the years, the company's products changed from razor blades to transport equipment and finally to vacuum technology.

  • By the use of vacuum technology, a vacuum pump is used for the achievement of partial pressures difference.
  • The seal can be leak-tight; glass soldering is frequently used in vacuum technology.
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