Übersetzung für '
vacuum unit' von Englisch nach Deutsch
| NOUN | a vacuum unit | vacuum units |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
| tech. vacuum unit | Vakuumaggregat {n} | |
Teiltreffer |
| med. labour and delivery unit <LD unit, L&D unit> [Br.] | Entbindungsstation {f} | |
| med. labor and delivery unit <LD unit, L&D unit> [Am.] | (Kreißsaal und) Geburtshilfestation {f} [Entbindungsstation] | |
| hist.med.mil. Mobile Army Surgical Hospital unit <MASH unit> [U.S. Army] | Feldlazarett-Einheit {f} [MASH: chirurgisches Feldlazarett der US-Armee] | |
| med. labor and delivery unit <LD unit, L&D unit> [Am.] | Entbindungsstation {f} | |
| comp. software unit <SU, SWU, SW unit> | Software-Unit {f} <SU, SWU, SW-Unit> | |
| tech. remote control unit <RCU, RC unit> | Fernsteuergerät {n} | |
| tech. remote control unit <RCU, RC unit> | Fernsteuerungsgerät {n} | |
| electr. microcontroller unit <MCU, µC unit> | Mikrocontroller-Einheit {f} <µC-Einheit> | |
| comp.electr. microcontroller unit <MCU, µC unit> | Microcontroller-Einheit {f} <µC-Einheit> | |
| electr. high-frequency unit <HF unit> | Hochfrequenzteil {m} {n} <HF-Teil> | |
| dent. orthopantomographic / orthopantomography unit <OPG unit> | OPT-Gerät {n} | |
| MedTech. high-frequency unit <HF unit> | Hochfrequenzgerät {n} <HF-Gerät> | |
| phys.unit centimetre-gram-second unit <CGS unit, cgs unit> [Br.] [CSG system of units] | CGS-System {n} [auch: cgs-System] | |
| MedTech. radiofrequency unit <RF unit> | Hochfrequenzgerät {n} <HF-Gerät> | |
| vacuum | Leere {f} [Luftleere] 9 | |
| vacuum | Luftleere {f} 11 | |
| vacuum | luftleerer Raum {m} | |
| to vacuum | Staub saugen | |
| vacuum | Vakuum {n} 125 | |
| vacuum | Unterdruck {m} 57 | |
21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- Smaller dust collection systems use a single-stage vacuum unit to create suction and perform air filtration, where the waste material is drawn into an impeller and deposited into a container such as a bag, barrel, or canister.
- ... 3 bara) sustained by the deaerator vacuum unit. The deaerator internals comprise three packed beds.
- A vacuum unit then creates negative pressure, sealing the edges of the wound to the foam, and drawing out excess blood and fluids.
- Visbreaking is a process that turn the bottom product of the vacuum unit, which has extremely high viscosity, into lower viscosity, marketable product.
- Balikpapan I has two raw oil refinery units that produce naphtha, kerosene, gasoline, diesel fuel, and residue and one high-vacuum unit that produces [...] of paraffin oil distillate (POD), used as raw material for wax factories.
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