 Übersetzung für 'vacuum-treated' von Englisch nach Deutsch
ADJ   vacuum-treated | - | -
vacuum-treated {adj}
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Übersetzung für 'vacuum-treated' von Englisch nach Deutsch

vacuum-treated {adj}
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • In some respects "vacuum" and "aether" are treated as synonyms by science.
  • The "Bethell process"—or as it later became known, the full-cell process—involves placing wood to be treated in a sealed chamber and applying a vacuum to remove air and moisture from wood "cells".
  • The value of the vacuum energy (or more precisely, the renormalization scale used to calculate this energy) may also be treated as an additional free parameter.
  • Vacuum polarization affecting spin interactions has also been reported based on experimental data and also treated theoretically in QCD, as for example in considering the hadron spin structure.
  • This practice began under the auspices of British Railways, to denote that locomotives thus treated were able to work fast, vacuum-braked goods services.

  • The full field equation is highly nonlinear, so we really want to prove that the Minkowski vacuum is stable under small perturbations which are treated using the fully nonlinear field equation.
  • One such example is powdered MgO, treated with additive coloring, emitting violet-blue light by absorbing violet light in vacuum.
  • In the pressure treatment process, an aqueous solution of CCA is applied using a vacuum and pressure cycle, and the treated wood is then stacked to dry.
  • Just as with erectile dysfunction in men, lack of sexual function in women may be treated with hormonal patches or tablets to correct hormonal imbalances, clitoral vacuum pump devices and medication to improve blood flow, sexual sensation and arousal.
  • Smaller local producers of salmon jerky make a "fresh", non-heat treated product that is not shelf stable.

  • The wood treated in this way is then excellently suited for the production of all kinds of design objects.
  • The electron is initially treated quantum mechanically as it tunnel ionizes from the parent atom, but then its subsequent dynamics are treated classically.
  • In this scheme, the absence of an electron from a normally filled state is called a "hole" and is treated as a particle, and the presence of an electron in a normally empty state is simply called an "electron".
  • The treated components are usually electrically isolated.
  • The Japanese treated any such resistance harshly and looked set to make an example of Tainan as the former capital.

  • packed around the sample to be treated (initially referred to as case hardening), but modern techniques use carbon-bearing gases or plasmas (such as carbon dioxide or methane).
  • In the latter method, a buffered acidic solution of trivalent rare earths is treated with molten sodium-mercury alloy, which reduces and dissolves Yb3+.
  • Painted surfaces could be scraped, while floors were treated with acid and Prussian blue mixtures.
  • Use of strong numbing creams over large skin areas being treated at one time must be avoided, since it can cause serious harm, and even death.
  • It was heat treated to 500 BHN, like the other types of high hardness armour, but it was produced from the start in the form of plates 40 mm thick.

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