 Übersetzung für 'vade' von Englisch nach Deutsch
vade mecumVademekum {n} [Handbuch, Leitfaden]
vade-mecumLeitfaden {m}
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Übersetzung für 'vade' von Englisch nach Deutsch

vade mecum
Vademekum {n} [Handbuch, Leitfaden]
Leitfaden {m}
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The Law Journal said they expected it to become a vade mecum for those studying law.
  • His spiritual "vade mecum" was David’s "Book of Psalms", in which he sought comfort and inspiration.
  • Kombdi vade, a chicken savoury, is the most popular dish here.
  • Finally, a fourth type of portable book was the "vade mecum" (go with me), consisting of a booklet or folded sheets that contained an almanac or medical information and could be suspended from a belt.
  • A handbook is sometimes referred to as a "vade mecum" (Latin, "go with me") or pocket reference. It may also be referred to as an enchiridion.

  • "Kombdi vade", fish preparations and baked preparations are more popular there.
  • an unprecedented "vade-mecum" for the spectator".
  • These turned it into an early example of a "vade mecum" and a virtual encyclopaedia of London life.
  • An inscription on the outside face of the porch reads: "Hac non vade via, nisi dicas Ave Maria" (go not away unless you say an Ave Maria).
  • Williams' book "Cabaret Secrets: How to create your own show, travel the world and get paid to do what you love" has been featured in Time Out London, described as "an ideal vade mecum for anybody who wants to succeed in cabaret".

  • At the conference, a draft of a vade mecum, or handbook, for people who minister to those with AIDS was presented. Fiorenza Deriu Bagnato, an Italian social researcher, also spoke at the conference.
© dict.cc English-German dictionary 2024
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