 Übersetzung für 'vector address' von Englisch nach Deutsch
vector addressEinsprungadresse {f}
four-vector <4-vector>
Vierervektor {m}
Vektor {m}
Überträger {m}
plasmid vector
Plasmidvektor {m}
vector immunity
Vektorimmunität {f}
Burgers vector
Burgersvektor {m}
interrupt vector
Interruptvektor {m}
vector quantization
Vektorquantisierung {f}
vector algebra
Vektorrechnung {f}
voltage vector
Spannungs­vektor {m}
sparse vector
dünnbesetzter Vektor {m}
vector quantity
Vektorgröße {f}
viral vector
viraler Vektor {m}
vector tableVektortabelle {f}
thrust vector
Schubvektor {m}
rotation vector
Drehvektor {m}
vector analysis
Vektoranalyse {f} [auch: Vektor-Analyse]
vector algebra
Vektoralgebra {f}
vector diagramVektordiagramm {n}
vector generatorVektorgenerator {m}
21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Distance-vector protocols update the routing tables of routers and determine the route on which a packet will be sent by the "next hop" which is the exit interface of the router and the IP address of the interface of the receiving router.
  • SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) is an open standard created and developed by the World Wide Web Consortium to address the need (and attempts of several corporations) for a versatile, scriptable and all-purpose vector format for the web and otherwise.
  • The typical method of using an interrupt vector involves reading its present value (the address), storing it within the memory space of the TSR, and replacing it with an address in its own code.
  • The Operating System does not use DLIs, so the default address for the DLI vector (VDSLST, $0200hex/512dec) points to an RTI instruction in ROM.
  • Mercer's theorem can also be extended to address the vector-valued setting and we can therefore obtain a feature map view of the vvRKHS.

  • Without a dope vector, even knowing the address of the entire array does not tell you how big it is.
  • Since the starting code address vector must always be valid on reset, systems commonly included some nonvolatile memory (e.g. ...
  • For a vector with linear addressing, the element with index "i" is located at the address [...] , where "B" is a fixed "base address" and "c" a fixed constant, sometimes called the "address increment" or "stride".
  • Some computer architectures still reserve the beginning of address space for other purposes, though; for instance, Intel x86 systems reserve the first 256 double-words of address space for the interrupt vector table (IVT) if they run in real mode.
  • Test compression techniques address this problem, by decompressing the scan input on chip and compressing the test output.

  • Instead of constantly having to decode instructions and then fetch the data needed to complete them, the processor reads a single instruction from memory, and it is simply implied in the definition of the instruction "itself" that the instruction will operate again on another item of data, at an address one increment larger than the last.
  • The design as described in Reddaway's 1973 paper is pretty much that which was implemented in the first commercial version except the facility to supply address bits from the processing elements was removed.
  • The most reliable application of the Newton was collecting and organizing address and phone numbers.
  • The main register set consisted of eight 64-bit scalar (S) registers and eight 24-bit address (A) registers.
  • To address these problems the PFF adopted new techniques.

  • Modified LLE (MLLE) is another LLE variant which uses multiple weights in each neighborhood to address the local weight matrix conditioning problem which leads to distortions in LLE maps.
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