| med. w-pouch [after Nichols] | W-Pouch {m} [nach Nichols] | |
Teiltreffer |
| black and white {adj} <B&W, b&w, B/W> | schwarz/weiß <sw, s/w> | |
| mass percentage <% w/w> | Massenanteil {m} in Prozent | |
| med. Kock pouch <K-pouch> | Kock'sche Tasche {f} | |
| med. Kock pouch <k-pouch, K-pouch> | Kock-Pouch {m} <K-Pouch> | |
| black-and-white {adj} <bw, b/w, BW, B/W> | Schwarz-Weiß- <SW, S/W> | |
| with respect to {prep} <WRT, w.r.t, w/r/t, wrt> | bezüglich [+Gen.] | |
| % w/w | Gewichtsprozent {n} | |
| electr.phys.unit watt <W> | Watt {n} <W> 74 | |
| chem. wolfram <W> | Wolfram {n} <W> | |
| electr.phys.unit watts {pl} <W> | Watt {pl} <W> 168 | |
| geogr.meteo.naut. west <W> | West <W> [Himmelsrichtung] [ohne Artikel] 37 | |
| ling.print W [letter] | W {n} [Buchstabe] | |
| ling.print w [letter] | w {n} [Buchstabe] 9 | |
| with {prep} <w/> | mit [+Dat.] <m.> 11421 | |
| chem.mineral. tungsten <W> | Wolfram {n} <W> 444 | |
| geogr.naut. west <W> | Westen {m} <W> 665 | |
| phys. W boson | W-Boson {n} | |
| chem. % weight/weight <% w/w> | Gewichtsprozent {n} <Gew.-%, % (w/w)> [ugs.] [Massenanteil] | |
| math. W*-algebra | W*-Algebra {f} [von-Neumann-Algebra] | |
| pouch | Säckchen {n} 150 | |
21 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'w pouch' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- w-pouch [after Nichols]
- W-Pouch {m} [nach Nichols]med.
- black and white {adj} <B&W, b&w, B/W>
- schwarz/weiß <sw, s/w>
- mass percentage <% w/w>
- Massenanteil {m} in Prozent
- Kock pouch <K-pouch>
- Kock'sche Tasche {f}med.
- Kock pouch <k-pouch, K-pouch>
- Kock-Pouch {m} <K-Pouch>med.
- black-and-white {adj} <bw, b/w, BW, B/W>
- Schwarz-Weiß- <SW, S/W>
- with respect to {prep} <WRT, w.r.t, w/r/t, wrt>
- bezüglich [+Gen.]
- % w/w
- Gewichtsprozent {n}
- watt <W>
- Watt {n} <W>electr.phys.unit
- wolfram <W>
- Wolfram {n} <W>chem.
- watts {pl} <W>
- Watt {pl} <W>electr.phys.unit
- west <W>
- West <W> [Himmelsrichtung] [ohne Artikel]geogr.meteo.naut.
Westen {m} <W>geogr.naut.
- W [letter]
- W {n} [Buchstabe]ling.print
- w [letter]
- w {n} [Buchstabe]ling.print
- with {prep} <w/>
- mit [+Dat.] <m.>
- tungsten <W>
- Wolfram {n} <W>chem.mineral.
- W boson
- W-Boson {n}phys.
- % weight/weight <% w/w>
- Gewichtsprozent {n} <Gew.-%, % (w/w)> [ugs.] [Massenanteil]chem.
- W*-algebra
- W*-Algebra {f} [von-Neumann-Algebra]math.
- pouch
- Säckchen {n}
- W-Pouch {m} [nach Nichols] = w-pouch [after Nichols]
- Kock-Pouch {m} <K-Pouch> = Kock pouch <k-pouch, K-pouch>
- was zu beweisen war <w. z. b. w.> = quod erat demonstrandum <Q.E.D.> [which was to be proven]
- Gewichtsprozent {n} <Gew.-%, % (w/w)> [ugs.] [Massenanteil] = % weight/weight <% w/w>
- Massenprozent {n} <Gew.-%, % (w/w)> [ugs.] [Massenanteil] = mass fraction <w, g/g>
- ileoanaler Pouch {m} = ileoanal pouch
- Indiana-Pouch {m} = Indiana pouch
- Koller-Pouch {m} = Koller pouch [Recessus splenorenalis]
- Morison-Pouch {m} = Morison's pouch [Recessus hepatorenalis recessus subhepatici]
- Sigma-Rektum-Pouch {m} = sigmoid-rectal pouch [Mainz pouch II]
- Pouch-Bag-Zelle {f} = pouch bag cell
- J-Pouch {m} [nach Utsunomiya] = j-pouch [after Utsunomiya]
- S-Pouch {m} [nach Parks] = s-pouch [after Parks]
- S-Pouch {m} [nach Parks] = Parks pouch [s-pouch, S-pouch]
- Mainz-Pouch {m} II [Sigma-Rektum-Pouch] = Mainz II pouch [sigmoidorectal pouch]
- Sigma-Rektum-Pouch {m} [Mainz-Pouch II] = sigmoidorectal pouch
- Wolfram {n} <W> = wolfram <W>
- W-Boson {n} = W boson
- Watt {pl} <W> = watts {pl} <W>
- Schallenergie {f} <W> = sound energy <W>
- W.E. = W.E. [Madonna]
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- The demonstration of an inverse relationship between the capacity of the pouch and the frequency of defaecation led to further designs including the W-pouch described by Nicholls in 1987 which was free from difficulty in defaecation and appeared to also be followed by fewer bowel actions per 24 hours than the J-pouch.
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