Übersetzung für '
wackily' von Englisch nach Deutsch
SYNO | balmily | daftly | dottily | ... |
1 Übersetzung
Neue Wörterbuch-Abfrage: Einfach jetzt tippen!
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- The Los Angeles Times was more charitable, calling the show "wackily entertaining" and referring to the panelists as "quirkily amusing as they are knowledgeable".
- With the most complex and wackily staged musical numbers since Marc Caro and Jean-Pierre Jeunet’s "Delicatessen", the pic was far more demanding to make than it is to watch".
- Other productions included the "Evil Clone" —a purported attempt to clone Stan Lee as a cartoon that wackily criticized many aspects of the media, including happy endings, the StanLeeMedia.net website—, and "The Backstreet Project", a project including the Backstreet Boys.
© dict.cc English-German dictionary 2025
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