 Übersetzung für 'wad' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   a wad | wads
VERB   to wad | wadded | wadded
wadding | wads
SYNO chaw | chew | cud | ...
to wadzusammenknüllen
to wad
wadBausch {m}
wadWattepropf {m}
wadBauschen {m} [bayer., österr.] [Bausch]
wadkleines Strohbündel {n}
Schrotbecher {m}
wad [Br.]Haufen {m} Geld
wad [earthy mixture of Mn-oxides / -hydroxides]
Wad {n} [erdiges Gemenge von Mn-Oxiden u. Mn-Hydroxiden]
2 Wörter
to wad sth. (up) [esp. paper]etw.Akk. zusammenknüllen [bes. Papier]
jerk-wad [vulg.] [sl.]Arschloch {n} [vulg.]
spit wad [Am.] [spitball]Papierkügelchen {n} [mit Speichel]
wad hook [also: worm]
Krätzer {m} [auch: Kugelzieher]
3 Wörter
to blow one's wad [sl.] [ejaculate]abspritzen [vulg.] [ejakulieren]
to shoot one's wad [vulg.]
abspritzen [vulg.] [ejakulieren]
to wad a mattresseine Matratze ausstopfen
wad (of paper)Papierknäuel {n}
wad burn streaksBrandstreifen {m}
wad of banknotesNotenbündel {n}
wad of cash [sl.]Geldbündel {n}
wad of cottonWattebausch {m}
wad of keysSchlüsselbund {m} {n}
wad-o-dough [coll.]Batzen {m} Geld [ugs.]
whiplash-associated disorders {pl} <WAD>
Symptomenkomplex {m} nach Beschleunigungs­unfall
4 Wörter
a wad of money [sl.]ein Batzen {m} Geld [ugs.]
a wad of notes
ein Bündel {n} Scheine
5+ Wörter
to wad sth. up into a ball [coll.]etw.Akk. zerknüllen
a thick wad of moneyein dickes Bündel {n} Geld
28 Übersetzungen
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  • Wad {n} [erdiges Gemenge von Mn-Oxiden u. Mn-Hydroxiden] = wad [earthy mixture of Mn-oxides / -hydroxides]
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Yuri Fignater wad rehabilitated in 1957.
  • Every precautionary method must be taken against damage to the skin of the fruit. Wad wrapping and polythene bags are commonly used.
  • On top of each powder cartridge was a "lubricator" consisting of tallow and linseed oil between two tin plates, backed by a felt wad coated with beeswax and finally by millboard.
  • Wi' his friends wad live or dee.
  • It is also possible to fire a wad slug through rifled slug barrels, and, unlike with the Foster slug where lead fouling is often a problem, a wad slug typically causes no significant leading, being nested inside a traditional shotshell wad functioning as a sabot as it travels down the shotgun barrel.

  • Reese Hammond wad a newspaper editor and state legislator in Delaware. He served innthe Delaware House of Representatives. He was a Democrat.
  • The party's first councillor wad when Sarah Hewson, elected as a Conservative to Gedling Borough Council, joined the Nottingham Independents in March 2018.
  • This village is located in Kichanas VDC wad no: 9 and Syangja in the Gandaki Zone after present Nepali governmental policy.
  • The villains range from the Indigestible Wad (a wad of gum who sucks moisture out of people), to the evil Euroslavian dictator Citracett, to Flathead (an invertebrate in search of a spine), to their own underpants.
  • "Aw wish thy Muther wad cum.

  • He wad drive a trade at the loom o' Geordie.
  • Social Club" sketch, Susan Sarandon's character (a prostitute who offers intellectual stimulation to men instead of sexual pleasure) slips up and says that her last customer "blew his wad" all over her instead of "blew his entire conversation" all over her.
  • In August 1944, Sakai was commissioned an ensign (少尉). He wad transferred to 343rd Air Group and returned to the Yokosuka Air Wing again.
  • A small amount of the substance is placed on the suspect tooth using a cotton wad.
  • Deulikot is a village as well as wad.

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