 Übersetzung für 'water cycle' von Englisch nach Deutsch
NOUN   a water cycle | water cycles
water cycle
Wasserzyklus {m}
water cycle
Wasserkreislauf {m}
water cycle [water bicycle]Wasserfahrrad {n}
plan-do-study-act cycle <PDSA cycle>
PDSA-Zyklus {m}
plan-do-check-act cycle <PDCA cycle>
PDCA-Zyklus {m} [Demingkreis]
uranium-plutonium cycle <U-Pu cycle>
Uran-Plutonium-Kreislauf {m}
program-erase cycle <P/E cycle>
Schreib-/Löschzyklus {m}
tricarboxylic acid cycle <TCA cycle>
Tricarbonsäurezyklus {m} [Citratzyklus]
nitrogen cycle <N cycle>
Stickstoffzyklus {m}
water-water heat pump
Wasser/Wasser-Wärmepumpe {f}
deionized water <DI water>
deionisiertes Wasser {n}
summer water-starwort / water starwort [Callitriche cophocarpa, syn.: C. polymorpha]
Stumpfkantiger Wasserstern {m}
summer water-starwort / water starwort [Callitriche cophocarpa, syn.: C. polymorpha]
Stumpffrüchtiger Wasserstern {m}
dwarf white water-lily / water lily / waterlily [Nymphaea candida]
Glänzende Seerose {f}
dwarf white water-lily / water lily / waterlily [Nymphaea candida]
Kleine Seerose {f}
water-plantain / water plantain family {sg} [family Alismataceae]
Alismataceen {pl} [Froschlöffelgewächse]
European waterclover / water-clover / water clover [Marsilea quadrifolia]
(Vierblättriger) Kleefarn {m}
water-plantain / water plantain family {sg} [family Alismataceae]
Froschlöffelgewächse {pl}
water-lily / water lily (leaf) beetle [Galerucella nymphaeae]
Erdbeerkäfer {m}
water-lily / water lily (leaf) beetle [Galerucella nymphaeae]
Seerosenblattkäfer / Seerosen-Blattkäfer {m}
European water-plantain / water plantain [Alisma plantago-aquatica]
Wegerich-Froschlöffel {m}
European water-plantain / water plantain [Alisma plantago-aquatica]
Gewöhnlicher Froschlöffel {m}
various-leaved water-starwort / water starwort [Callitriche platycarpa]
Flachfrüchtiger Wasserstern {m}
23 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'water cycle' von Englisch nach Deutsch

water cycle
Wasserzyklus {m}hydro.

Wasserkreislauf {m}hydro.
water cycle [water bicycle]
Wasserfahrrad {n}

plan-do-study-act cycle <PDSA cycle>
PDSA-Zyklus {m}econ.QM
plan-do-check-act cycle <PDCA cycle>
PDCA-Zyklus {m} [Demingkreis]econ.QM
uranium-plutonium cycle <U-Pu cycle>
Uran-Plutonium-Kreislauf {m}chem.phys.
program-erase cycle <P/E cycle>
Schreib-/Löschzyklus {m}comp.electr.
tricarboxylic acid cycle <TCA cycle>
Tricarbonsäurezyklus {m} [Citratzyklus]biochem.
nitrogen cycle <N cycle>
Stickstoffzyklus {m}biol.
water-water heat pump
Wasser/Wasser-Wärmepumpe {f}tech.
deionized water <DI water>
deionisiertes Wasser {n}pharm.tech.
summer water-starwort / water starwort [Callitriche cophocarpa, syn.: C. polymorpha]
Stumpfkantiger Wasserstern {m}bot.T

Stumpffrüchtiger Wasserstern {m}bot.T
dwarf white water-lily / water lily / waterlily [Nymphaea candida]
Glänzende Seerose {f}bot.T

Kleine Seerose {f}bot.T
water-plantain / water plantain family {sg} [family Alismataceae]
Alismataceen {pl} [Froschlöffelgewächse]bot.T

Froschlöffelgewächse {pl}bot.T
European waterclover / water-clover / water clover [Marsilea quadrifolia]
(Vierblättriger) Kleefarn {m}bot.T
water-lily / water lily (leaf) beetle [Galerucella nymphaeae]
Erdbeerkäfer {m}entom.T

Seerosenblattkäfer / Seerosen-Blattkäfer {m}entom.T
European water-plantain / water plantain [Alisma plantago-aquatica]
Wegerich-Froschlöffel {m}bot.T

Gewöhnlicher Froschlöffel {m}bot.T
various-leaved water-starwort / water starwort [Callitriche platycarpa]
Flachfrüchtiger Wasserstern {m}bot.T
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • and, as a common form of precipitation and deposition, plays a key role in Earth's water cycle and climate.
  • Masdar City is located in a desert region, meaning that sustainable collection and distribution of water is dependent on the city's ability to use water at innovative stages of the water cycle.
  • Solar distillation mimics the natural water cycle, in which the sun heats sea water enough for evaporation to occur.
  • Holistic planned grazing is similar to rotational grazing but accentuates the four principles of the water cycle, the mineral cycles (including the carbon cycle), energy flow and ecology.
  • An aquifer is a groundwater storage reservoir in the water cycle.

  • This water cycle is a vital mechanism for supporting life on land and is a primary factor in the erosion of surface features over geological periods.
  • The surface water visibly seen in wetlands only represents a portion of the overall water cycle, which also includes atmospheric water (precipitation) and groundwater.
  • Evapotranspiration is an important part of the local water cycle and climate, and measurement of it plays a key role in agricultural irrigation and water resource management.
  • Chaos theory has been applied to environmental water cycle data (also hydrological data), such as rainfall and streamflow.
  • Condensation is the change of the state of matter from the gas phase into the liquid phase, and is the reverse of vaporization. The word most often refers to the water cycle.

  • Heat entering the sealed container allows the creation of a small water cycle due to evaporating moisture from the soil and plants.
  • The water cycle (known scientifically as the hydrologic cycle) is the continuous exchange of water within the hydrosphere, between the atmosphere, soil water, surface water, groundwater, and plants.
  • Such a "water cycle" can lead to erosion of the thermocouple and eventual failure.
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