| when the crunch comes | wenn es hart auf hart kommt [ugs.] | |
5+ Wörter |
| if / when it comes to the crunch | wenn es hart auf hart kommt | |
Teiltreffer |
| when it comes to the point | wenn es darauf ankommt | |
| When / If it comes to the point that ... | Wenn es so weit ist, dass ... | |
| when the current season comes to an end | mit Ende der laufenden Saison | |
| when that day comes {adv} | dermaleinst [geh.] | |
| when it comes to how | wenn es darum geht, wie | |
| when worse comes to worse | wenn alle Stricke reißen | |
| It comes to something when ... | Es will schon was heißen, wenn ... | |
| filmF When Saturday Comes [Maria Giese] | Immer wieder samstags | |
| when push comes to shove [coll.] | wenn es hart auf hart kommt [ugs.] | |
| When it comes to his looks ... | Was sein Aussehen angeht ... | |
| when it comes to sb./sth. | was jdn./etw. anbelangt | |
| when it comes to doing sth. | wenn es darum geht, etw. zu tun | |
| when it comes to sb./sth. | was jdn./etw. angeht | |
| when it comes to sb./sth. [idiom] | wenn es um jdn./etw. geht | |
| when it comes down to it {adv} [idiom] | letzten Endes [Redewendung] | |
| proverb When poverty comes in, love flies out. | Not ist der Liebe Tod. | |
| quote I hope that when the world comes to an end, I can breathe a sigh of relief, because there will be so much to look forward to. [Donnie Darko] | Ich hoffe, dass ich, wenn die Welt untergeht, erleichtert aufatmen kann, weil es dann so viel gibt, auf das ich mich freuen kann. | |
| to be totally ignorant when it comes to sth. | völlig unbeleckt sein in Bezug auf etw. [ugs.] | |
| to know one's onions (when it comes to sth.) [idiom] | (über etw.Akk.) (gut) Bescheid wissen | |
| to know one's onions (when it comes to sth.) [idiom] | (von etw.Dat.) Ahnung haben | |
22 Übersetzungen
Neue Wörterbuch-Abfrage: Einfach jetzt tippen!
Übersetzung für 'when the crunch comes' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- when the crunch comes
- wenn es hart auf hart kommt [ugs.]
- if / when it comes to the crunch
- wenn es hart auf hart kommt
- when it comes to the point
- wenn es darauf ankommt
- When / If it comes to the point that ...
- Wenn es so weit ist, dass ...
- when the current season comes to an end
- mit Ende der laufenden Saison
- when that day comes {adv}
- dermaleinst [geh.]
- when it comes to how
- wenn es darum geht, wie
- when worse comes to worse
- wenn alle Stricke reißen
- It comes to something when ...
- Es will schon was heißen, wenn ...
- When Saturday Comes [Maria Giese]
- Immer wieder samstagsfilmF
- when push comes to shove [coll.]
- wenn es hart auf hart kommt [ugs.]
- When it comes to his looks ...
- Was sein Aussehen angeht ...
- when it comes to sb./sth.
- was jdn./etw. anbelangt
was jdn./etw. angeht
- when it comes to doing sth.
- wenn es darum geht, etw. zu tun
- when it comes to sb./sth. [idiom]
- wenn es um jdn./etw. geht
- when it comes down to it {adv} [idiom]
- letzten Endes [Redewendung]
- When poverty comes in, love flies out.
- Not ist der Liebe Tod.proverb
- I hope that when the world comes to an end, I can breathe a sigh of relief, because there will be so much to look forward to. [Donnie Darko]
- Ich hoffe, dass ich, wenn die Welt untergeht, erleichtert aufatmen kann, weil es dann so viel gibt, auf das ich mich freuen kann.quote
- to be totally ignorant when it comes to sth.
- völlig unbeleckt sein in Bezug auf etw. [ugs.]
- to know one's onions (when it comes to sth.) [idiom]
- (über etw.Akk.) (gut) Bescheid wissen
(von etw.Dat.) Ahnung haben
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- He has a slightly frosty relationship with Jack Staff, saying that "when it comes to the crunch, he won't be there" — this may refer to a past event or imply Hawke is part of the Green.
- He has admitted that when it comes to the crunch, he would always choose rugby over medicine, citing his newfound love of the game after joining Saracens as Director of Rugby in 2009.
- Johnstone was "certain that the Green Party will grow and attract more support as the other parties reveal themselves to lack the ambition to really change course from business as usual when it comes to the crunch".
- A credit crunch occurs when the act of using credit is no longer possible, normally as a result of a significant exogenous shock.
- He also recalls how he himself faced a cash crunch when Ramalingam was born.
- In 2008, Spier published a paper along with Peter Sinclair and Tom Skinner on "Bonuses, Credit Rating Agencies and the Credit Crunch" which argued that part of the cause of the 2008 crisis was short-termism leading to the miscalculation of bonuses at credit rating and other financial firms.
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