 Übersetzung für 'whereby' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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whereby {adv}demzufolge
whereby {adv}wodurch
whereby {adv}wobei
whereby {adv}womit
whereby {adv} [by which]mittels dessen
whereby {adv} [by which]durch den / die / das
whereby {adv} [by which]bei dem / der / denen
whereby {adv} [by which]mittels derer / deren
whereby {adv} [by which]mit dessen / deren Hilfe
whereby {adv} [in accordance with which]nach dem
10 Übersetzungen
Neue Wörterbuch-Abfrage: Einfach jetzt tippen!

Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Current ageing theories are assigned to the damage concept, whereby the accumulation of damage (such as DNA oxidation) may cause biological systems to fail, or to the programmed ageing concept, whereby the internal processes (epigenetic maintenance such as DNA methylation) inherently may cause ageing.
  • "Dozokhi" and "Heena Bandi" is a Baloch wedding ceremony whereby heena is applied onto the bride's hands.
  • Sentelle solved the conflict by getting the two groups to agree to a consent judgment, whereby the court wouldn't have to invalidate the state law, and whereby the Rainbows wouldn't need a permit, as long as they met the safety and environmental requirements as detailed in the agreement.
  • Most full disk encryption schemes are vulnerable to a cold boot attack, whereby encryption keys can be stolen by cold-booting a machine already running an operating system, then dumping the contents of memory before the data disappears.
  • Interviews can be structured whereby there is a predetermined set of questions or unstructured whereby no questions are decided in advance.

  • Microsoft sold its 50% stake of Mi9 to Nine Entertainment Company in 2013, whereby Mi9 was rebranded to Nine Digital.
  • Background noise can also interfere with echolocation-based tasks via masking – a mechanism whereby noise interferes with the auditory perception of a signal – and via distraction – a mechanism whereby animals allocate finite attentional resources to noise rather than the signal.
  • Within piston engines, a wet sump is part of a lubrication system whereby the crankcase sump is used as an integral oil reservoir.
  • Also introduced was a total closure system whereby the key can be held in the lock position to close the windows and (where fitted) the sunroof.
  • The position of "Juré-Justicier Suppléant" was created in 2008 whereby a Jurat with over five years service and is aged over 65 may retire and offer themselves for election as a "Juré-Justicier Suppléant" whereby the retirement age advances to 75.

  • E-Service or 'electronic service' constitutes the online services available on the Internet, whereby a valid transaction of buying and selling (procurement) is possible, as opposed to the traditional websites, whereby only descriptive information are available, and no online transaction is made possible.' (Jeong, 2007).
  • Probate is the judicial process whereby a will is "proved" in a court of law and accepted as a valid public document that is the true last testament of the deceased, or whereby the estate is settled according to the laws of intestacy in the state of residence of the deceased at time of death in the absence of a legal will.
  • FRP involves two distinct processes, the first is the process whereby the fibrous material is manufactured and formed, the second is the process whereby fibrous materials are bonded with the matrix during moulding.
  • The competition followed a point scoring system much like the Amsterdam Tournament, whereby each team played two matches, with three points awarded for a win, one point for a draw and none for a loss.
  • While nonpartisan democracies can allow for a wide selection of candidates (especially within a no-nomination system whereby voters can choose any non-restricted person in their area), such systems are not incompatible with indirect elections (such as for large geographical areas), whereby delegates may be chosen who in turn elect the representatives.

  • , whereby public financing is used to encourage private investment.
  • Bacterial gliding is a process of motility whereby a bacterium can move under its own power.
  • The economic principle of satiation is the effect whereby the more of a good one possesses, the less one is willing to give up to get more of it.
  • The hardware used by the TIF and CIP is similar, based around a 2-out-of-3 architecture, whereby all safety-critical functions are performed in three separate processing lanes and the results voted upon.
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