Übersetzung für '
wittily' von Englisch nach Deutsch
4 Übersetzungen
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- Miss Sinclair wrote brightly and wittily, and displayed much skill in characterisation and description, Several of her books were popular in America.
- Upon release, the album was hailed by "Metro" for its "wittily constructed rhymes", "so bold and brassy".
- His part is often considered one of the more humorous in the play, as he uses a lantern in a failed attempt to portray Moonshine and is wittily derided by his audience.
- In October 2007, Varma won the 2007 Bastiat Prize for Journalism, which aims to honor writers "whose work cleverly and wittily promotes the institutions of the free society".
- But they also querulously and wittily illuminate the annoyances and pleasures of everyday life.
- The story as Herodotus tells it was taken up in other literature. Lucian of Samosata wittily imagined the dialogue between Poseidon and the very dolphin who bore Arion.
- "The Guardian" called it "a wittily written curio, and to hardcore comedy fans, it's a definitive reference work".
- In 1932 Lamb, in an address to the British Association for the Advancement of Science, wittily expressed on the difficulty of explaining and studying turbulence in fluids.
- Such beliefs were examined wittily and at length in 1646 by Sir Thomas Browne in his "Pseudodoxia Epidemica".
- Bashō wittily quoted from the Noh play in an early haiku – “The old-lady cherry / Is blossoming, a remembrance / Of years ago – where the closing phrase is taken directly from the drama.
- Pelevin quite wittily showed the activity of a homegrown "villain" philosopher, who never really thought about what kind of service his favorite goddess needs.
- The song's lyrics wittily tell the story of the Korean folklore 'The Tiger and the Dried Persimmon', and will be actively used in children's educational content.
- Rising from the ashes of old relationships and the difficulties of growing up, Gothic Tropic's new record skillfully and wittily riffs on such universal experiences.
- The finest verses in these collections wittily portray city types, while those of resistance against racial discrimination resound far more powerfully.
- "The new piece is an entertaining poke by a genius at her own cliches, tersely and wittily stated," wrote "The New York Times Anna Kisselgoff.
- Although nearly sixty, Father Vismara was in good health and he raised a good deal of foreign aid by writing many letters and articles where he told, brilliantly and wittily, of the life he led.
- "New York Times" reviewer Thomas Mallon did not think the novel as a whole was very successful, though the style followed the quality of Carey's other working describing the novel as "replete with expressed feeling, if too wittily contrived for actual passion" and describes the novel as well written with each sentence "matchlessly robust".
- With the cast dressed as vegetables, Ashton's choreography is described as "wittily graphic… at its best, the ballet shows the Chardinesque Ashton at work, making something out of nothing".
- In particular, the pamphlets show concern with the status of the text, wittily pastiching conventions such as the colophon and marginalia.
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