| NOUN | a wolf | wolves / [rare] wolf |
| VERB | to wolf | wolfed | wolfed wolfing | wolfs |
| SYNO | beast | brute | Friedrich August Wolf | ... |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
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- Wolf {m} = wolf [canis lupus]
- Wolf {m} [Lupus] = Lupus
- Wolf {m} = timber wolf [Canis lupus]
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- The Wolf Boss (voiced by Danny McBride) is an unnamed wolf who is the leader of Lord Shen's wolf army.
- Wolf form: Jacob's wolf form is that of a large russet brown wolf.
- In 2011, the Indian wolf, Himalayan wolf, and African wolf were proposed to represent ancient wolf lineages, with the African wolf having colonised Africa prior to the Northern Hemisphere radiation of the Holarctic gray wolf.
- Wolf Woods is the wolf exhibit where the wolves sleep in a den. It is currently the home of two subspecies of gray wolf.
- In 2021, a mitochondrial DNA analysis of North American wolf-like canines indicates that the extinct Late Pleistocene Beringian wolf was the ancestor of the southern wolf clade, which includes the Mexican wolf and the extinct Great Plains wolf.
- Its closest relatives are the Abyssinian wolf, also known as the red wolf and the king jackal, and the Indian wolf.
- Eastern and red wolves are also products of varying degrees of wolf-coyote hybridization.
- "Anoteropsis hilaris", commonly referred as the garden wolf spider or the grey wolf spider, is a species of wolf spider that is endemic to New Zealand.
- In the documentary "Wolf Nation" produced by Victoria Costello, Soldier Wolf led the Arapaho members in a traditional wolf dance to welcome the return of wolves to Yellowstone National Park.
- In 2021, a mitochondrial DNA analysis of modern and extinct North American wolf-like canines indicates that the Beringian wolf was the ancestor of the southern wolf clade, which includes the Mexican wolf and the extinct Great Plains wolf.
- A wolfdog is a canine produced by the mating of a domestic dog ("Canis familiaris") with a gray wolf ("Canis lupus"), eastern wolf ("Canis lycaon"), red wolf ("Canis rufus"), or Ethiopian wolf ("Canis simensis") to produce a hybrid.
- When she is in her wolf form, she becomes a blonde wolf. Her wolf appearance is similar to that of a husky or another big dog.
- The wolf character would re-appear in "Hare-Less Wolf", albeit designed differently and given the name Charles M. Wolf.
- In Bavarian folklore of the Early Modern period, a "Wolfssegen" ([...]; also "Wolfsegen, Wolf-Segen") was an apotropaic charm against wolves; conversely, a "Wolfbann" ("Wolf-Bann") was a malevolent spell causing a wolf attack.
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