Übersetzung für '
wyvern' von Englisch nach Deutsch
| NOUN | a wyvern | wyverns |
| SYNO | wivern | wyvern |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- The wyvern is a popular commercial logo or mascot, especially in Wales and what was once the West Country Kingdom of Wessex, but also in Herefordshire and Worcestershire, as the rivers Wye and Severn run through Hereford and Worcester respectively.
- From 1958 all regiments in the Brigade adopted a common cap badge consisting of the Wessex wyvern on a plinth inscribed "Wessex". From 1960 the Wessex Brigade was based at Wyvern Barracks in Exeter.
- The banner of the kings of Wessex bore a golden Wyvern, a dragon with two eagle-like legs and the barbed tail of a snake.
- The Duke of Marlborough uses a wyvern sitting erect upon its tail with its claws in the air.
- The crest on top of the arms is a white or silver legless wyvern with red and white wounds showing, on a wreath of red and white.
- At the top, a gold wyvern is shown with its tail up, mouth open, forked tongue and eyes made of diamonds.
- "Acianthera wyvern" is a species of orchid plant native to Colombia.
- The Venables' coat of arms features a dragon-like wyvern devouring a child (see illustration for details).
- Dagno is a baby wyvern who was adopted by Cogsley and Miskit.
- Prince Conn saves the day by killing Nenaunir and nullifying the earthly materialization of Damballah. Having lost his sanctuary, Thoth-Amon flees south on a flying wyvern.
- There exist several related offshoots of the winged lindworm outside Northern and Central Europe, such as the French guivre and vouivre, and to some extent the British wyvern.
- The uniform has always featured a Wessex wyvern, the symbol of Icknield School.
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