Übersetzung für '
x height' von Englisch nach Deutsch
| NOUN | x-height | x-heights |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
23 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- Brandon Grotesque is inspired by Futura but with an unusually low x-height, giving it a more elegant appearance for uses such as headings and display settings.
- CNN uses a custom derivative, "CNN Sans", which has a '1' with a base and larger x-height.
- Century Gothic has a high x-height (tall lower-case characters).
- Heathrow and other British airports used a highly divergent adaptation of Bembo for many years. Designed by Shelley Winters and named BAA Bembo or BAA Sign, it was very bold with a high x-height.
- In fonts with text figures, digit 2 usually is of x-height, for example, .
- In the Latin, Greek and Cyrillic (sometimes collectively referred to as LGC) scripts, one can refer to the distance from the baseline to the top of regular lowercase glyphs (mean line) as the "x-height", and the part of a glyph rising above the x-height as the "ascender".
- values, including the font's x-height and the amount of italic slant (to determine how far to shift accents).
- Some research has suggested that while higher x-heights may help with reading smaller text, a very high x-height may be counterproductive, possibly because it becomes harder to identify the shape of a word if every letter is nearly the same height.
- This symbol came in several different shapes, all of which were of x-height.
- The parts of characters that extend above the x-height of a font are called ascenders.
- Also in some fonts the lowercase form of Ka has the vertical bar elongated above x-height, resembling the Latin lowercase k.
- ... stem widths, cap height, x-height). This means avoiding delta instructions as much as possible.
- While the shape of the character for the digit 1 has an ascender in most modern typefaces, in typefaces with text figures, the glyph usually is of x-height, as, for example, in .
- Their version follows the formulary ITC approach of increased x-height, and multiple weights from light to ultra.
- Many families of Metafont fonts are set up so that the main source file for a font only defines a small number of design parameters (x-height, em width, slant, vertical stroke width, etc.), then calling a separate source file common for a whole range of fonts to actually draw the individual glyphs; this is the meta aspect of the system.
- Note that Aicher's font sizes are based on the DIN standard then in development, which uses the H-height, whereas in lead typesetting the larger cap height was used.
- In digital type, the relationship of the height of particular letters to the em is arbitrarily set by the typeface designer.
- "Carrying flag" – this should be sized as follows (width x height): Peers, 1.2 m x 1.5 m; Feudal Barons, 90 cm x 115 cm; Chiefs, 85 cm x 110 cm; Chieftains, 80 cm x 90 cm.
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