Übersetzung für '
xanthic' von Englisch nach Deutsch
2 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- The Sikh Rehat Maryada clearly states that the Nishan Sahib hoisted outside every Gurudwara should be xanthic (Basanti in Punjabi) or greyish blue (modern day Navy blue) (Surmaaee in Punjabi) color.
- This reaction is the reverse of the method for the preparation of the xanthate salts. The intermediate in the decomposition is the xanthic acid, ROC(S)SH, which can be isolated in certain cases.
- Gold and albino tiger barbs are examples of commercially produced fish based on recessive xanthic (yellow) and albino genes.
- Bequaert (1931) considered it to be a xanthic form of "Vespula rufa".
- The color "xanthic" is the color of Xanthine and Xanthate, both of which are xanthic acids.
- There are three colour phases in this species: a deep water red phase, a shallow water bicoloured or orange-brown phase and a xanthic or yellow phase which can be found in shallow to deep water.
- Ethyl xanthic acid is an organic compound with the chemical formula [...].
- aurifer" possesses a pair of large yellow patches on the second tergum; these spots are usually disc-shaped, sometimes hidden and confluent with neighbouring yellow in especially xanthic individuals.
- Xanthine ([...] or [...]; archaically xanthic acid; systematic name 3,7-dihydropurine-2,6-dione) is a purine base found in most human body tissues and fluids, as well as in other organisms.
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