Übersetzung für '
yaffle' von Englisch nach Deutsch
1 Übersetzung
Neue Wörterbuch-Abfrage: Einfach jetzt tippen!
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- Professor Yaffle was created as the book-end who had access to "facts".
- The call is a loud ringing laugh, "plue, plue, plue", very like the green woodpecker's yaffle, but perhaps slightly faster.
- The village had two pubs, but the" Oak and Yaffle" (located in the north of the village) closed in 2012 due to poor ratings and the "Ashley Hotel" (near the middle of the village) closed in 2015 after many unfortunate occurrences led to next to no customers.
- In 2009, Memorial University launched Yaffle to provide researchers and community partners an opportunity to connect and exchange ideas, expertise, research interests and publicly engaged activities in an open and accessible way.
© dict.cc English-German dictionary 2025
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