Übersetzung für '
yellow tones' von Englisch nach Deutsch
| NOUN | a yellow tone | yellow tones |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- With respect to the color combination, the parties were advised to accept a compromise in which Frankfurt School would cease to use yellow tones in its logo.
- Aquamarine is often heated to remove yellow tones, or to change green colors into the more desirable blue, or enhance its existing blue color to a deeper blue.
- Warm colors have red or yellow tones (including orange and yellow-green) and are associated psychologically with warmth and energy.
- The current painting depicts three sunflower blossoms in strong yellow tones with leaves and stems in a frontal view, whereby it only shows the upper half of the plants.
- The decor is described as being "minimalist", with "neutral grey, white and yellow tones".
- The lighter parts are gray with hints of green or yellow tones.
- "Boletus vermiculosoides", a lookalike species named for its resemblance to "B. vermiculosus", has smaller spores measuring 9–12 by 3–4 μm, and has yellow tones in the cap.
- Tiepolo's use of oil paints achieves bright pearlescent colours, with vibrant reds and blues drawing attention over the somewhat subdued orange and yellow tones of much of the painting.
- Golden ochre-tinged yellow tones pervades much of his work, a colour that derives from an image of Chernobyl nuclear plant the painter has kept since childhood.
- to remove the yellow tones a violet toner dye will be needed, but to neutralize red and orange hues a green and blue toner would be more suitable.
- Shang Yang's use of warm yellow tones endows the landscape of rock and loess with poetry.
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