| unit zepto- {prefix} <z> [10 ^ -21] | Zepto- <z> 25 | |
| unit zetta- {prefix} <Z> [10 ^ 21] | Zetta- <Z> 22 | |
Substantive |
| ling.print z [letter] | z {n} [Buchstabe] 11 | |
| ling.print Z [letter] | Z {n} [Buchstabe] | |
| phys. zino <Z͂> [hypothetical elementary particle] | Zino {n} <Z͂> [hypothetisches Elementarteilchen] | |
2 Wörter: Andere |
| Z-grade {adj} [Aus.] [sl.] | von niedrigster Qualität | |
| Z-shaped {adj} | z-förmig [auch: Z-förmig] | |
| textil. Z-twisted {adj} [thread, yarn] | rechtsgedreht [Faden, Garn] | |
2 Wörter: Substantive |
| A to Z [Br.] [pronounced 'zed'] [AZ®] | Straßenverzeichnis {n} | |
| audio acoustic impedance <Z> | Schallimpedanz {f} <Z> | |
| chem.phys. atomic number <Z> | Atomnummer {f} <Z> | |
| chem.phys. atomic number <Z> | Kernladungszahl {f} <Z> | |
| biochem. protein Z <PZ> | Protein Z {n} <PZ> | |
| phys. Z boson | Z-Boson {n} | |
| stat. z score | z-Wert {m} | |
| stat. z value | z-Wert {m} | |
| tech. Z-angle [also: z-angle] | Z-Winkel {m} [auch: z-Winkel] | |
| math. z-axis | z-Achse {f} | |
| tech. Z-bend | Rechts-Links-Knick {m} [beim Abkröpfen] | |
| biol. Z-DNA [other DNA forms: A-DNA, B-DNA] | Z-DNA {f} [andere DNA-Formen: A-DNA, B-DNA] | |
| pharm. Z-drugs | Z-Substanzen {pl} | |
| pharm. Z-drugs | Nicht-Benzodiazepin-Agonisten {pl} | |
| pharm. Z-drugs | Nicht-Benzodiazepin-Hypnotika {pl} | |
| print Z-fold | Z-Falz {m} | |
| print z-fold | Leporellofalz {m} | |
| print Z-fold | Zickzack-Falz {m} | |
| med. Z-foot [also: z-foot] [Metatarsus adductus] [serpentine foot] | Z-Fuß {m} [Serpentinenfuß] | |
| tech. Z-hinge | Z-Scharnier {n} | |
| chem. Z-isomer | Z-Isomer {n} | |
| anat. Z-line | Z-Scheibe {f} | |
| anat. Z-line [Ora serrata of the stomach] | Ora serrata {f} (des Magens) | |
| anat. Z-line [Z-disk, Z-band] [sarcomere] | Z-Linie {f} [Sarkomer, Muskulatur] | |
| anat. Z-line [Z-disk, Z-band] [sarcomere] | Z-Streifen {m} [Sarkomer, Muskulatur] | |
| electr. Z-parameters | Z-Impedanz-Parameter {pl} | |
| biol. Z-ring | Z-Ring {m} | |
| math.stat. z-score | z-standardisierter Wert {m} [z-Score] | |
| constr.tech. Z-section | Z-Profil {n} | |
| Z-twist [right-handed, of rope] | Z-Schlag {m} [rechtsdrehend, von einem Seil] | |
| biol. zigzag scheme <Z-scheme> | Zickzackschema {n} <Z-Schema> | |
| curr. Zimbabwe dollar <ZWR, Z$> | Simbabwe-Dollar {m} <ZWR, Z$> | |
| anat.biol.zool. zygapophyseal joint <Z-joint> [Articulatio zygapophysialis] | kleines Wirbelgelenk {n} | |
| anat.zool. zygapophyseal joints <Z-joints> [Articulationes processuum articularium (esp. veterinary medicine), Articulationes zygapophysiales] | Wirbelbogengelenke {pl} | |
| zool. zygapophyseal joints <Z-joints> [Articulationes processuum articularium, Articulationes zygapophysalis] | Wirbelfortsatzgelenke {pl} | |
3 Wörter: Andere |
| idiom from A to Z {adv} | von A bis Z | |
| idiom Z for Zebra | Z wie Zacharias | |
| idiom Z for Zebra | Z wie Zürich [österr.] [schweiz.] [international] | |
| idiommil. Z for Zulu [NATO phonetic alphabet] | Z wie Zulu [NATO-Buchstabiertafel] | |
3 Wörter: Verben |
| to catch some Z's [Am.] [coll.] [idiom] | sichAkk. aufs Ohr hauen [ugs.] [Redewendung] | |
3 Wörter: Substantive |
| chem. (Z)-butenedioic acid [maleic acid] | cis-Butendisäure {f} [Maleinsäure] | |
| electr. pole-zero plot <P-Z plot, PZ plot> | Pol-Nullstellen-Diagramm {n} <PN-Diagramm> | |
| math. set of integers <ℤ, Z> | Menge {f} der ganzen Zahlen <ℤ, Z> | |
| equest. silver dapple gene <Z-gene> | Windfarbgen {n} | |
| tech.tools Z-bend pliers {pl} [one pair] | Abkröpfzange {f} | |
| tech.tools Z-bend pliers {pl} [one pair] | Z-Prägezange {f} | |
| tools Z-bend pliers {pl} [one pair] | Z-Zange {f} [Abkröpfzange] | |
| math.stat. z-score value | z-Score-Wert {m} | |
| constr.tech. Z-section steel | Z-Stahl {m} | |
| chem. Z/E isomerism | (Z)-(E)-Isomerie {f} | |
4 Wörter: Andere |
| idiom the A to Z of [of cooking, computing, etc.] | alles über [das Kochen, Computern etc.] | |
| idiom Z as in Zebra [esp. Am.] | Z wie Zacharias | |
4 Wörter: Verben |
| idiom to know sth. from A to Z | etw. in- und auswendig kennen | |
4 Wörter: Substantive |
| comp. zone constant angular velocity <zone CAV, Z-CAV, ZCAV> | Zone CAV {f} <Z-CAV, ZCAV> | |
5+ Wörter: Andere |
| X, Y, and Z, the latter of whom / which ... | X, Y und Z, welch Letztere / Letzterer / Letzteres ... | |
5+ Wörter: Verben |
| idiom to run through sth. from A to Z | etw. durchdeklinieren | |
5+ Wörter: Substantive |
| audio characteristic (acoustic) impedance of a medium <Z> | Wellenwiderstand {m} des Mediums <Z> | |
| phys. magnetization in the z-direction | Magnetisierung {f} in z-Richtung | |
Fiktion (Literatur und Film) |
| filmF Bobby Z / Let's Kill Bobby Z / The Death and Life of Bobby Z [John Herzfeld] | Kill Bobby Z – Ein Deal um Leben und Tod | |
| lit.F The Death and Life of Bobby Z [Don Winslow] | Die Auferstehung des Bobby Z | |
| filmF World War Z [Marc Forster] | World War Z | |
| filmF Z.P.G. [Michael Campus] | Geburten verboten [Alternativtitel: ZPG - Die Erde stirbt] | |
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