| NOUN | a zadruga | zadrugas / zadruge |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
1 Übersetzung
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- The Severians were a patriarchial culture ruled by clan or tribal leaders, who held political authority in the commune ("zadruga") and convened tribal councils.
- The villages in the plains are larger, while those in the higher areas are somewhat straggling and have traditionally been inhabited by single families ("zadruga").
- The largest concentration of raspberry plants and the biggest fruit refrigerating chamber (Zemljoradnička zadruga Arilje) are in Arilje.
- The peasants lived in rural communities known as "zadruga" and had collective responsibility.
- Because the zadruga was based on a patrilocal system, when a girl married, she left her parents' zadruga and joined that of her husband.
- The Glider Union "Utva" ("Jedriličarska zadruga "Utva") was founded on 5 June 1937, also in Zemun.
- Pavle Popović was also the secretary of the "Srpska književna zadruga" (Serbian Literary Society) from 1911 to 1920, its vice-president from 1920 to 1928, and president from 1928 to 1937.
- The "kafana" was the common meeting place for consultations over village or zadruga affairs. Women were at the time prevented from "kafanas" by a strong social prohibition.
- He was an editor of Srpska književna zadruga from 1992 and has been the editor-in-chief since 2009.
- In 2011, Srpska književna zadruga, a member of the Board for Standardization of the Serbian Language, published the 100th anniversary edition.
- Founded in 1884 in Zagreb as Croatia osiguravajuća zadruga (Croatia Insurance Society), one of its founders was the famous Croatian writer August Šenoa.
- He was highly successful in business, serving as chairman of "Beogradska zadruga", "Trgovačka zadruga" and "Izvozna Banka".
- He is included in The 100 most prominent Serbs. Đura Daničić published Domentijan's texts in Belgrade in 1865. [...] Srpska književna zadruga adapted them to modern language in 1938.
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