 Übersetzung für 'zag' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   a zag | zags
VERB   to zag | zagged | zagged
zagging | zags
SYNO zag | zig | zigzag
to zag [bullet]
rikoschettieren [veraltet] [abprallen (Geschosse)]
zig-zagZickzack {m}
double zig zag
Doppelspitzkehre {f}
zig-zag lemma [also: zigzag lemma]
Zick-Zack-Lemma {n} [auch: Zickzack-Lemma]
zig-zag extinction bands {pl} [twist extinction bands]
Runzelbänderung {f}
zig-zag clover [Trifolium medium]
Zickzack-Klee {m} [auch: Zickzackklee]
zigzag / zig-zag iris [Iris brevicaulis]
Louisiana-Iris {f}
zigzag / zig-zag plant [Euphorbia tithymaloides, syn.: Pedilanthus tithymaloides]
Teufelsrückgrat {n} [Pantoffelstrauch]
8 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • A skew apeirogon in two dimensions forms a zig-zag line in the plane. If the zig-zag is even and symmetrical, then the apeirogon is regular.
  • A walking track and the single lane bitumen zig zag drive are both found within the park.
  • The line originally ascended the eastern and descended the western sides of the Blue Mountains via a series of zig-zag track sections.
  • A special form of auto transformer called a "zig zag" is used to provide grounding on three-phase systems that otherwise have no connection to ground.
  • Much of the Musical Note pottery features incised zig-zag bands going around the pot, with punctures at the line segment junctions.

  • The tunnel has local significance as a railway tunnel constructed to bypass the Lapstone Zig Zag as rail traffic, and subsequently delays, increased on the zig zag line.
  • (h) zig-zag single-walled carbon nanotube.
  • Quengococha (possibly from Quechua "q'inqu" zig-zag "qucha" lake, "zig-zag lake") is a lake in Peru located in the Cajamarca Region, Cajabamba Province, Cajabamba District, in the east of the Cajabamba District.
  • The term Khokon means a zig-zag village.
  • "Acacia macradenia" is also known as the zig-zag wattle, which derives from its zig-zag stem growth pattern. Another name used to identify "A. macradenia" is the 'bed of rivers'.

  • The second framework consists of single coordination squares of Pd1 and paired Pd2 polyhedra, which create a zig-zag composition.
  • It included Zig zag moderne architecture.
  • "Zig-Zag": Four horns joined together in a "zig zag" pattern on both left right sides of a thin short steel pole, this is the default configuration of the ECN 600 completed in 2009 it is currently on the rooftop of Clementi Fire Station.
  • A general maneuver tactic against submarines is a zig-zag.
  • The name of the lemma arises from the "zig-zag" behavior of the maps in the sequence.

  • Every year the City of Kalamunda holds a "Zig Zag Walk" event, in which the zig zag section is closed to all but pedestrians, providing people with the opportunity to admire the views and see the area's wildflowers; Zig Zag Scenic Drive is a part of the Darling Range Regional Park.
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