 Übersetzung für 'zaleplon' von Englisch nach Deutsch
NOUN   zaleplon | -
zaleplon [C17H15N5O]
Zaleplon {n}
1 Übersetzung
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Übersetzung für 'zaleplon' von Englisch nach Deutsch

zaleplon [C17H15N5O]
Zaleplon {n}pharm.
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • It is a pyrazolopyridine derivative, most closely related to pyrazolopyrimidine drugs such as zaleplon, and is one of a structurally diverse group of drugs known as the nonbenzodiazepines which act at the same receptor targets as benzodiazepines but have distinct chemical structures.
  • Some studies have shown that zaleplon, which has a short elimination half-life, may be suitable for middle-of-the-night administration because it does not impair next day performance.
  • It thus has similar effects to other α1-selective drugs such as zolpidem and zaleplon in animal studies.
  • Ocinaplon is an anxiolytic drug in the pyrazolopyrimidine family of drugs. Other pyrazolopyrimidine drugs include zaleplon and indiplon.
  • In medicine, derivatives of pyrazole are widely used, including celecoxib and similar COX-2 inhibitors, zaleplon, betazole, and CDPPB.

  • Its mechanism of action is very similar to zolpidem and zaleplon in its pharmacology and can successfully substitute for zolpidem and zaleplon in animal studies.
  • The Z-drug zaleplon may have fewer side effects compared to benzodiazepines.
  • Zaleplon is slightly effective in insomnia, However, zaleplon has not been empirically shown to increase total sleep time.
  • In a pharmaceutical patent dispute, Teva argued that Wyeth’s patent on zaleplon drug products (Sonata) had expired because of a terminal disclaimer.
  • Flumazenil has been effectively used to treat overdoses of non-benzodiazepine hypnotics, such as zolpidem, zaleplon and zopiclone (also known as "Z-drugs").

  • (The other hypnotics used are temazepam and zaleplon.) "Ground tests" are required prior to authorization issued to use the medication in an operational situation.
  • It is a pyrazolopyridine derivative, related to other anxiolytic compounds such as tracazolate, and more distantly to zaleplon.
  • The non-benzodiazepine Z drugs such as zolpidem, zaleplon, and zopiclone should not be used as a replacement for benzodiazepines, as they have a similar mechanism of action and can induce a similar dependence.
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