 Übersetzung für 'zeal' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   zeal | -
SYNO ardor | ardour | eagerness | ...
zealEifer {m}
zealBegeisterung {f}
zealLeidenschaft {f} [Hingabe]
zealArbeitseifer {m}
zealDiensteifer {m}
zealPflichteifer {m}
zealDienstbeflissenheit {f}
2 Wörter
with zeal {adv}mit Eifer
with zeal {adv}voller / voll Eifer
to abate sb.'s zealjds. Eifer dämpfen
to pretend zealEifer vortäuschen
(ardent) zealFeuereifer {m}
ardent zealglühender Eifer {m}
missionary zealmissionarischer Eifer {m}
missionary zeal [also fig.]
Missionseifer {m} [auch fig.]
proselytising zeal [Br.]Bekehrungs­eifer {m}
reforming zeal
Reformeifer {m}
religious zeal
Glaubenseifer {m}
religious zeal
Religionseifer {m} [Glaubenseifer]
spasmodic zealkrampfhafter Eifer {m}
3 Wörter
with great zeal {adv}mit großem Eifer
grim-faced zealBiereifer {m}
zeal for libertyFreiheitsdurst {m}
zeal for libertyFreiheitsfanatismus {m}
zeal for souls
Seeleneifer {m}
zeal of zebras [herd of zebras]
Herde {f} Zebras
zeal without knowledgeblinder Eifer {m}
4 Wörter
zeal for the faith
Glaubenseifer {m}
5+ Wörter
He is working with special zeal now.Er arbeitet jetzt mit besonderem Eifer.
29 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Emma Goldman described Bell as "of whose propagandistic zeal and daring we had heard much in America".
  • The Regniers had participated in Evangelical activities with Campus Crusade for Christ at the University of Saskatchewan and were inspired by the zeal and devotion they found there, and they wanted to see a similar zeal within the Catholic Church.
  • Ahmedabad is known for its diversified culture and the celebration of various festivals with great zeal which transcends demographic and religious lines.
  • 6 - How Brother Ginepro cooked enough food for two weeks, and Francis moved by his zeal gave him permission to preach.
  • And in her consuming zeal of a neophyte for Sakti Hinduism, she declared Shaktism as the state's official religion.

  • Jessy Kent-Parsons died in a Torquay nursing home on 26 February 1966, remembered for her 'zeal... abundant vitality and great sense of humour'.
  • Candia said of his parents: "I had parents who gave me a zeal for life".
  • Eleutheromania, or eleutherophilia is "a mania or frantic zeal for freedom".
  • Infused with further religious zeal from Gumi, offshoots of Izalatul Bidi'a Wa Ikamatul Sunnah like Boko Haram and Ansaru developed.
  • Coggan began his new ministry with the zeal he had shown in Canada and as Principal of the London College of Divinity.

  • Fanaticism is a belief or behavior involving uncritical zeal or obsessive enthusiasm.
  • It was also claimed that Spracklin showed excessive zeal, and that this demonstration of zeal extended to his treatment of his own parishioners.
  • The chancellorship was given to him professedly on account of his notorious anti-Catholic zeal.
  • All major Festivals Like Holi, Deepawali, Ramnavmi, Eid, Vijayadashami etc. are celebrated with full zeal and joy.
  • Buddhism first emerged during Mauryas times when there was a missionary zeal.

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