 Übersetzung für 'zombie' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   a zombie | zombies / zombi
SYNO automaton | living dead | snake god | ...
zombie [fig.]Schwachkopf {m} [pej.]
zombieScheusal {n}
zombieZombie {m}
zombie [fig.] [coll.] [pej.]Idiot {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
zombie [sl.]Trottel {m}
zombieunmögliche Gestalt {f}
zombiewiederbeseelte Leiche {f} [Mystik]
zombie [Am.] [sl.][jd., der ständig auf Droge ist]
zombie [Aus.] [sl.]
Marihuana {n}
2 Wörter
zombie-like {adj} [coll.] [brain]verblödet [ugs.] [Hirn]
philosophical zombie <p-zombie>
philosophischer Zombie {m} <P-Zombie>
zombie apocalypseZombie-Apokalypse {f}
zombie bank [coll.]
Zombie-Bank {f}
zombie drug [coll.]
Zombiedroge {f} [ugs.]
zombie film
Zombiefilm {m}
zombie kingZombiekönig {m}
zombie movie [esp. Am.]
Zombiefilm {m}
zombie obedience [coll.] [pej.]Kadavergehorsam {m} [pej.]
zombie obedience [coll.] [pej.]Kadavergehorsamkeit {f} [pej.]
zombie star
Zombie-Stern {m}
3 Wörter
deer zombie disease [ugs.] [chronic wasting disease]
Hirsch-Zombie-Krankheit {f} [ugs.] [Chronic Wasting Disease bei Hirschartigen]
zombie deer disease [ugs.] [chronic wasting disease]
Hirsch-Zombie-Krankheit {f} [ugs.] [Chronic Wasting Disease bei Hirschartigen]
4 Wörter
to turn sb. into a zombie [coll.] [fig.]jdn. verblöden [ugs.]
Fiktion (Literatur und Film)
Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island [Davis Doi]
Scooby-Doo und die Gespensterinsel
Zombie Brigade [Carmelo Musca, Barrie Pattison]
Brigade des Schreckens
Zombie Island Massacre [John N. Carter]
Insel des Terrors
Zombie Town [Damon LeMay]
Night of the Creeps 2 – Zombie Town
Taxa/Spezies (Tiere, Pflanzen, Pilze)
zombie crab [Gecarcinus ruricola]
Halloweenkrabbe {f}
28 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'zombie' von Englisch nach Deutsch

zombie [fig.]
Schwachkopf {m} [pej.]
Scheusal {n}

Zombie {m}

unmögliche Gestalt {f}

wiederbeseelte Leiche {f} [Mystik]
zombie [fig.] [coll.] [pej.]
Idiot {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
zombie [sl.]
Trottel {m}
zombie [Am.] [sl.]
[jd., der ständig auf Droge ist]
zombie [Aus.] [sl.]
Marihuana {n}drugs

zombie-like {adj} [coll.] [brain]
verblödet [ugs.] [Hirn]

philosophical zombie <p-zombie>
philosophischer Zombie {m} <P-Zombie>philos.
zombie apocalypse
Zombie-Apokalypse {f}
zombie bank [coll.]
Zombie-Bank {f}fin.
zombie drug [coll.]
Zombiedroge {f} [ugs.]drugs
zombie film
Zombiefilm {m}film
zombie king
Zombiekönig {m}
zombie movie [esp. Am.]
Zombiefilm {m}film
zombie obedience [coll.] [pej.]
Kadavergehorsam {m} [pej.]

Kadavergehorsamkeit {f} [pej.]
zombie star
Zombie-Stern {m}astron.

deer zombie disease [ugs.] [chronic wasting disease]
Hirsch-Zombie-Krankheit {f} [ugs.] [Chronic Wasting Disease bei Hirschartigen]med.
zombie deer disease [ugs.] [chronic wasting disease]
Hirsch-Zombie-Krankheit {f} [ugs.] [Chronic Wasting Disease bei Hirschartigen]med.

to turn sb. into a zombie [coll.] [fig.]
jdn. verblöden [ugs.]

Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island [Davis Doi]
Scooby-Doo und die GespensterinselfilmF
Zombie Brigade [Carmelo Musca, Barrie Pattison]
Brigade des SchreckensfilmF
Zombie Island Massacre [John N. Carter]
Insel des TerrorsfilmF
Zombie Town [Damon LeMay]
Night of the Creeps 2 – Zombie TownfilmF

zombie crab [Gecarcinus ruricola]
Halloweenkrabbe {f}zool.T
  • Zombie {m} = zombie
  • Zombie {m} = zombi [spv.]
  • philosophischer Zombie {m} <P-Zombie> = philosophical zombie <p-zombie>
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • It concerns the adventures of a young college girl named Joss, who has an obsession with England and zombie movies.
  • The Pier was shown prominently on the cover of local zombie anthology, "Zombie St.
  • The series follows survivors in a post-apocalyptic scenario brought on by zombie attacks led by King Zombie, an intelligent, talking zombie.
  • The music video was directed by Rob Zombie, featuring his signature style of blue lighting, zombies, and a regular female cameo, Rob Zombie's wife Sheri Moon Zombie.
  • If an animator's corpse is raised as a zombie, it will arise as a flesh-eating zombie—uncontrollable, much faster than a normal zombie, and with a taste for human flesh.

  • The zombie revival which began in the Far East eventually went global following the worldwide success of the Japanese zombie games "Resident Evil" and "The House of the Dead".
  • Victor Halperin's "White Zombie", released in 1932, is often cited as the first zombie film.
  • Cypher appears as a non-combatant zombie in "Deadpool: Merc with a Mouth" issue #9. He is lured by zombie Deadpool into a lab to be tested on for a cure of the Zombie virus.
  • White Zombie was considered the first movie to use the word Zombie.  It’s not a flesh-eating zombie movie but about mind controlling slaves.
  • "Zombie Night" is a 2013 American zombie horror film directed by John Gulager, two families must survive a zombie attack until sunrise.

  • To make a skin-zombie fall over, one must break the skin.
  • She starred in the 2005 cult movie "Die You Zombie Bastards!", a zombie comedy.
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