4 Übersetzungen
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- Zoobenthos {n} = zoobenthos
- Zusammensetzung {f} des Zoobenthos = zoobenthos composition
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- In 1998, a benthological survey was conducted in the lake, which found that there were no zoobenthos, although two tubificid oligochaetes and a chironomid were found.
- Lake-dwelling Arctic chars feed mostly on insects and zoobenthos.
- Not much is known about its feeding habits but what is known is that they feed mainly on zooplankton and zoobenthos. Cannibalism has been reported among smaller juveniles.
- In Eurasia, the ruffe diet mainly consists of zoobenthos: chironomids, small aquatic bugs and larvae, which are all found in the benthic zone of the water column.
- The red sculpin's diet consists of zoobenthos, especially amphipods but also oligochaetes. Despite its small size, it is caught and eaten by locals, and also eaten by the Baikal seal and other fish.
- The Guayana pike-conger's diet consists of zoobenthos. It is of minor commercial use to fisheries, and is marketed fresh.
- The Hawaiian garden eel's diet consists of zoobenthos.
- Larval stages of Diptera can be found in almost any aquatic or semiaquatic habitat They form an important fraction of the macro zoobenthos of most freshwater ecosystems.
- The Dark sleeper diet mainly consists of zoobenthos: chironomids, small aquatic bugs and larvae, which are all found in the benthic zone of the water column.
- The diet of the large-scale right-eye flounder consists of small zoobenthos organisms.
- The diet of the American smooth flounder consists mainly of zoobenthos invertebrates such as crustaceans, molluscs and marine worms.
- The diet of "Cleisthenes herzensteini" consists of zoobenthos organisms, including fish and crustaceans such as crabs, shrimp and prawns.
- "Benthophilus granulosus" is a bottom dweller and has a fairly limited diet or zoobenthos. They eat mysids, amphipods, bivalves, insects, and other foods.
- This species feeds primarily on zoobenthos. The specific name honours the ichthyologist George S.
- The diet of the C-O sole consists mainly of zoobenthos polychaetes, bivalves and amphipods.
- They have very short teeth and feed on zoobenthos and small clams.
- Diets consist of zoobenthos.
- This species had a maximum length of [...] and was a bottom feeder with a diet of mollusks and zoobenthos. They spawned from February to April externally.
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