Translation for '
noble' from English to Albanian
ADJ | noble | nobler / more noble | noblest / most noble | |
NOUN | a noble | nobles | |
SYNO | baronial | imposing | Lord | ... |
ADJ positive | comparative | superlative
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
1 translation
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Usage Examples English
- They also focused on the noble gases, measuring tiny amounts of noble gases from meteorites.
- The noble privileges of 1582 decreed that a noblewoman who married a non-noble man should lose all her hereditary land to her nearest co-inheritor, for example her brother.
- In order to distinguish themselves from bearers of regionally frequent non-noble surnames containing "von", nobles in Northern Germany continue the royal Prussian military practice of abbreviating the noble "von" to "v."
- Sitenimoa Valevale, styled Lord Nuku, is a Tongan noble, politician, and Cabinet Minister. He represents the ʻEua noble constituency in the Legislative Assembly.
- The Theresian Institution of Noble Ladies, officially the Imperial and Royal Theresian Stift for Noble Ladies in the Castle of Prague, was a Catholic monastic chapter of secular canonesses in Hradčany that admitted women from impoverished noble families from 1753 until 1918.
- "Noble's Book" is a supplement for the second edition of "Pendragon", and this indexed manual covers whatever a noble player character may encounter.
- Noble gases are frequently used in tubes for many purposes, from lighting to switching.
- Roos af Hjelmsäter is a Swedish noble family of Norwegian noble and royal origin. It is among the few of Norway's medieval noble families still living.
- Adalbert is a German given name which means "noble bright" or "noble shining", derived from the words "adal" (meaning noble) and "berht" (shining or bright).
- In chemistry, noble gas compounds are chemical compounds that include an element from the noble gases, group 18 of the periodic table.
- A list of noble titles for different European countries can be found at Royal and noble ranks.
- In another occasion, Maximilian noticed that the ladder Dürer used was too short and unstable, thus told a noble to hold it for him.
- Adelswärd was a Swedish noble family, introduced at Riddarhuset as noble family number 1707, which consists of two lines, related through female line.
- The fungus requires specific conditions to produce "noble rot"; if it is too damp, the same fungus causes destructive "grey rot".
- By 1904 [...] of noble land was mortgaged to the noble bank.
- In 1855, she was granted a title of "Noble Lady Qing" ([...]; "qing" meaning "glad").
© Albanian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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