| NOUN | an annunciation | annunciations |
| SYNO | announcement | Annunciation | annunciation | ... |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
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Usage Examples English
- ... 84) on the annunciation and virgin birth of Jesus shows how Justin used harmonized gospel verses from Matthew and Luke to provide a scriptural proof of the messiahship of Jesus based on fulfillment of the prophecy of Isaiah 7:14.
- The earliest surviving record of the village dates from the tenth century when it was named as Nuntiavilla, which might be translated from Latin as the foretelling town or the town of the annunciation "(ville annonciatrice)".
- The system consists of thermal imagers, sensors, communications, power and annunciation components.
- The remainder of the film portrays the annunciation and birth of Jesus Christ to explain why King Herod the Great (Ciarán Hinds) ordered the murder.
- Blagovest means "annunciation", or "good news" because with this ringing the believers are notified that the divine service is about to begin in the church.
- The ultimate objectives are no different from the previous basic alarm annunciation management objectives.
- The name of the channel "suboro" means "annunciation" in the Syriac language.
- He composed "Dixit Maria" as a motet for choir a cappella, setting a verse from Luke's narration of the annunciation in Latin, specifically Mary's consent to the announcement that she would bear a son.
- The lyrics of the "Shepherd's Pipe Carol", set after the annunciation to the shepherds, are in third person about a shepherd boy playing pipe music on the way to Bethlehem.
- Other decorations include a repetition of Joakim Skovgaard’s annunciation scene from Church of the Holy Ghost around the entrance doors, as well as a relief by Thomas Bærentzen entitled "The Suffering Mankind".
- Additionally, all Valley Metro Rail platforms feature annunciation for the approximate arrival of the next train, while also allowing for messages regarding potential delays and general service information.
- All fixed route buses are equipped with wheelchair lifts, bike racks, GPS, automated bus stop annunciation system, and electronic fareboxes.
- He is known for being in control, good tone, and clear annunciation.
- The "Piazza Barberi" includes the [...] which houses a fragment of an annunciation by the school of Giotto (14th-15th century) and a bust in bronze by Pietro Tacca.
- Light represented by candles was then often used to symbolise the Virgin and Christ; both Campin and van Eyck placed hearths or candles in their annunciation scenes.
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