 Translation for 'Here you are' from English to Bulgarian
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Here you are!Заповядай!
Partial Matches
Are you kidding?Шегуваш ли се?
You are welcome! Моля, няма защо! [в отговор на благодарност]
How old are you?На колко години си?
You are very kind.Вие сте много любезен.
How are you doing?Как сте?
Where are you from?Откъде сте?
here {adv}тук
over here {adv}отсам
over here {adv}ей тук
from here {adv}оттук
over here {adv}насам
I'm a stranger here.Чужденец съм.
I'm a stranger here.Не съм от тук.
there is/are има [съществува/съществуват]
you {pron}вас
you were[ти] беше
Lucky you!Блазе ти!
You wish! Иска ти се! [изразява скептицизъм относно предходна реплика]
Thank you!Благодаря!
See you.До скоро.
21 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • O Star of the Sea, help me herein and show me here you are my Mother.
  • (Translation: " "I could not live here. You are lucky to have them (all these beautiful things) and know how to use them.
  • According to Luitgard, who came from the Schenkenzell village of Kaltbrunn-Vortal, God said to her on the site of the monastery: "Here you are to build me a house!
  • Angelou adds: "Well, honey, here you are".
  • Spearfishing in Puerto Rico has its own set of rules. Here you are allowed to freedive with a speargun in marine waters. Spearfishing with scuba gear or in freshwater is not allowed.

    © English-Bulgarian dictionary 2025
    Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
    Links to this dictionary or to individual translations are very welcome!