 Translation for 'Melpomene' from English to Bulgarian
NOUN   Melpomene | -
Melpomene {noun}
Мелпомена {ж}
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Translation for 'Melpomene' from English to Bulgarian

Melpomene {noun}
Мелпомена {ж}мит.
Usage Examples English
  • When searching for mates, males of "H. melpomene" exhibit patrolling behavior, which involves searching for potential mates while flying around the range that the species inhabits.
  • The subspecies "H. melpomene amaryllis" and "H. melpomene timareta" ssp.
  • Three butterflies have been named after her, in 1905 a form of a split-banded owlet butterfly "Opsiphanes cassina merianae"; in 1967 a subspecies of the common postman butterfly "Heliconius melpomene meriana"; and in 2018 a rare butterfly "Catasticta sibyllae" from Panamá.
© English-Bulgarian dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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