Translation for '
Salafism' from English to Bulgarian
| NOUN | Salafism | - |
| SYNO | Salafi movement | Salafism |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
1 translation
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Usage Examples English
- Faisal also believes that the influence of 'Literal Islam' or Salafism has make it complicated for the atmosphere of plurality and multiracial in Malaysia.
- Shami Domullah introduced Salafism to Soviet Central Asia.
- He also worked to reconcile the doctrine of the Muslims Brothers with "the salafism that prevailed in his host country".
- In the April 2016 issue of "Dabiq Magazine", Salafism-Wahhabism terrorist group the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant declared him a murtad (or apostate).
- “The Indian Sword in the Way of Sheikh Najdi,” ( Original title: Alsayf alhindiu fi 'iianat tariq alshaykh alnajdi ) completed in 1218, in response to Wahhabi Salafism.
- She is a critic of Salafism. She described President of France Emmanuel Macron as "arrogant".
- Islam Nusantara has been fiercely opposed and criticized by other branches of Islam, especially by adherents of wahhabism and salafism, or other similar doctrines that seeks to "purify" Islam from any "un-Islamic" local elements, which are often condemned as "shirk" or "bid'ah".
- Al-Kalbani stated that Salafism is a source of ISIL ideology.
- Ashraf Kadakkal is an Indian Islamist Intellectual, Islamic historian and author who has attracted media attention for his opinion and stand on the influence of salafism among Kerala Muslims.
- Haddad is a staunch defender of the traditional Islamic schools of law and an opponent of Salafism-Wahhabism.
- Starting in the mid-1970s and 1980s, the international propagation of Salafism and Wahhabism within Sunni Islam of the two interpretations.
- His work is about salafism, wahabism, and the renouncing of faith.
- Due to increasing repression by the fundamentalist regime, more Iranians have turned to Salafism out of disenchantment against the Government.
- This is a list of political parties espousing Salafism as its main ideology.
- The current imam, Ahmedou Ould Lemrabet, is a thinker of politicised salafism and a supporter of state authority.
- Al Jazeera journalist Jamal Al Sharif describes Salafi jihadism as combining "the doctrinal content and approach of Salafism and organisational models from Muslim Brotherhood organisations.
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