| NOUN | a Sandwich tern | Sandwich terns |
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Usage Examples English
- The Tyuleniy island group is also an important breeding ground for the Sandwich tern ("Sterna sandvicensis").
- These species have long thin sharp bills, usually a shade of yellow or orange except in the Sandwich tern and Cabot's tern where the bills are black with yellow tips in most subspecies.
- Two breeds of goose overwinter on the island, greylag and pale-bellied Brent geese. Other visiting or winter-passage species include the short-eared owl and the sandwich tern.
- As of 2022, it is considered a full species ("Thalasseus acuflavidus") by the International Ornithological Congress, although most other authorities treat it as a subspecies of the Sandwich tern ("Thalasseus sandvicensis caboti").
- The common tern and Sandwich tern, which until about 1970 occasionally bred here, are no longer seen.
- Eurasian curlew, whimbrel, greater flamingo, great crested tern, Sandwich tern, white-winged black tern can be spotted during February and March.
- The Mediterranean race is a rare vagrant to Europe, and has bred in pure or mixed pairs (with Sandwich tern) in Italy, Spain and England.
- Like all "Thalasseus" terns, the Sandwich tern feeds by plunge-diving for fish, almost invariably from the sea.
- Other notable visitors include spoonbill, Sandwich tern and Eurasian whimbrel.
- A longer-staying unusual visitor was "Elsie" the lesser crested tern, which visited the Farnes every summer from 1984 to 1997; during that period (paired with a male Sandwich tern) she raised several hybrid chicks and attracted several thousand birders keen to see this species in Britain.
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