 Translation for 'That is none of your business' from English to Bulgarian
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That is none of your business.Това не е твоя работа.
Partial Matches
It's none of your business.Това не е твоя работа.
Mind your own business!Гледай си работата!
What is your opinion?Какво ти / ви / Ви е мнението?
What is your opinion?Какво е мнението ти?
that is <id est, i.e.>тоест <т.е.>
All that glitters is not gold.
Не всичко, което блести, е злато.
Scoop the poop of your dog! [Br.] [coll.] Почистете изпражненията на кучето си!
Greed is the root of all evil.
Алчността е причината за всички злини.
bar none {adv}без изключение
business {noun}
бизнес {м}
business card {noun}визитка {ж}
business trip {noun}командировка {ж}
business tax {noun}корпоративен данък {м}
business {noun} [coll.] [affair]история {ж} [случка]
your {adj}ваш
your {adj}твой
business administration {noun} <B.A., BA>
бизнес администрация {ж}
Enjoy your meal!Добър апетит!
with your permissionс ваше разрешение
that {pron}онзи
21 translations
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© English-Bulgarian dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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