Translation for '
above all' from English to Bulgarian
SYNO | above all | first and last | most especially | ... |
20 translations
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Usage Examples English
- It was above all from his teachings that the West inherited its intellectual lexicon, as well as problems and methods of inquiry.
- Within the cultures of the term's provenance (Byzantine and Hellenic) "Gnosis" was a knowledge or insight into the infinite, divine and uncreated in all and above all, rather than knowledge strictly into the finite, natural or material world.
- It brought economic freedoms and agrarian and legal reform. Above all the antagonism helped stimulate and shape German nationalism.
- In the Old World, amethyst was considered one of the cardinal gems, in that it was one of the five gemstones considered precious above all others, until large deposits were found in Brazil.
- Mackenzie stood up for the rights of Canada as a nation and fought for the supremacy of Parliament and honesty in government. Above all else, he was known and loved for his honesty and integrity.
- The expression above all use the Condon–Shortley phase convention which is favored by quantum physicists.
- Suburban trains – Croatian: "Prigradski vlakovi" - Suburban trains operate exclusively on the Zagreb Commuter Rail corridor and have the most frequent daily schedules above all types of train lines in Croatia.
- Hyperborea, the mystical land of eternal spring, venerated Apollo above all the gods.
- Under earlier Spanish and Mexican rule, California's original native population had precipitously declined, above all, from Eurasian diseases to which the Indigenous people of California had not yet developed a natural immunity.
- The early Czech sound film era was productive, above all in mainstream genres, with the comedies of Martin Frič or Karel Lamač.
- Above all in the area of basic lexicon, the Berber languages are very similar.
- Historian Michael Diamond asserts that for British music hall patrons in the 1880s and 1890s, "xenophobia and pride in empire" were reflected in the halls' most popular political heroes: all were Conservatives and Disraeli stood out above all, even decades after his death, while Gladstone was used as a villain.
- "Wet Andalusia" includes most of the highest points in the region, above all the Sierra de Grazalema but also the Serranía de Ronda in western Málaga.
- Although a historical document and primary source written by a man whose existence can be proven historically, the "Vita Ansgarii" ("The Life of Ansgar") aims above all to demonstrate Ansgar's sanctity.
- In the English and Welsh order of precedence, the archbishop of Canterbury is ranked above all individuals in the realm, with the exception of the sovereign and members of the royal family.
- Approval voting satisfies the mutual majority criterion and Smith criterion when voters' preferences are dichotomous; this is because the winner will be someone that the most voters prefer above all others, or that ties with other candidates but the group of tied candidates is preferred by more voters than any candidate not in the group.
- He designates Abraxas more distinctly as "the power above all, and First Principle", "the cause and first archetype" of all things; and mentions that the Basilidians referred to 365 as the number of parts ("mele") in the human body, as well as of days in the year.
- e. above all else, and [...] , meaning "above everyone else".
© English-Bulgarian dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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